SeAT's mumble registration plugin backend
This program provides an http interface.
It accepts the base64 encoding of the request encrypted by the encryption algorithm specified in the configuration file, and generates and registers the mumble user's certificate according to the provided information.
Return the base64 encoding of the certificate pfx file encrypted in the same way.
Automated builds of the image are available on Dockerhub and is the recommended method of installation.
docker pull alliancewaw/seat-mumble-register
you can use the sample docker-compose.yml file to start the container using Docker Compose
After first run, it will auto create config.json file in data folder.
Edit the config.json to change settings.
This is sample config
"encryptKey": "changeme",
"mumbleIceAddr": "tcp -h -p 6502",
"mumbleIceSecret": "changeme"