NMart store - Calculate bill
NMart sales various product items and these product items belongs to certain categories.
Following are the listing for category (product items in brackets) - tax (in the percentage) that will be applied on items purchase.
• Food-grains (Rice, Wheat etc.) – 0%
• Furniture (Tables, Sofas, Chairs etc.) – 5%
• Electronics (Mobiles, TVs, Tablets etc.) – 18%
• Cosmetics (Beauty products, creams, perfumes) – 28%
Needless to say final price is summation of rate per item + gst applied.
As a part of this assignment, the sample output would look like this.
Welcome to NMart store
Enter name of item: Rice
Enter quantity of item: 3
Enter rate per product item: 200
Billing Details for Rice:
Quantity: 3
Price per unit: 200
Final rate: 600
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