Create an API service that collects and returns reviews found from the website Lending Tree.
- Please write the project in Ruby or Python.
- Service should return JSON
- The project and steps below should use this website:
- API service should accept inbound requests that contain a target Lending Tree URL to collect reviews from
- one example of such a Lending Tree URL:
- The service should collect all 'reviews' from the target URL
- The service should provide a response with the found reviews, containing the following:
- title of the review
- the content of review
- author
- star rating
- date of review
- and any other info you think would be relevant
- The service should handle errors and bad requests
- Write tests for your API service
- Storing reviews for future retrieval is not necessary
to be complete within 72 hours
Simple Flask setup; a single resource path, some utility functions to keep things a little cleaner. There is room for improvement, but could spend months on it; abstraction of the response and error handling, response body transformation, further request validation, etc. The resource paths, if more than a handful, are better to be added via a decorator on the class.
To use:
cd [path-to-repo]
make run
* In your favorite browser go to `http://localhost:8019/api/review?url=`
* supply a lending tree url in the param 'url'
Running tests:
cd [path-to-repo]
make test
* Coverage report generated to [path-to-repo]/htmlcov