surfalize is a python package for analyzing microscope topography measurement data in terms of surface rouggness and other topographic parameters. It is intended primarily for microtextured surfaces and is supposed to replace software packages such as MountainsMap, MultiFileAnalyzer and Gwyddion for the most common tasks.
To install the latest release of surfalize, run the following command:
pip install surfalize
If you want to build from source, clone this git repository and run the following command in the root folder of the cloned repository.
pip install .
However, you will need to have both Cython
and a C-Compiler installed (MSVC on Windows,
gcc on Linux, MinGW is not supported currently). If you install in editable mode using
pip install -e .
be aware that a change of the pyx files does not reinvoke the Cython build process.
The documentation is hosted on readthedocs.
Manufacturer | Format |
Keyence | .vk4, .vk6, .vk7 |
Leica | .plu |
Sensofar | .plu, .plux |
Digital Surf | .sur |
KLA Zeta | .zmg |
Wyko | .opd |
Nanofocus | .nms |
General | .xyz |
This package aims to implement all parameters defined in ISO 25178. Currently, the following parameters are supported:
Category | Parameter | Full name | Validated against |
Height | Sa | Arithmetic mean height | Gwyddion, MountainsMap |
Sq | Root mean square height | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Sp | Maximum peak height | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Sv | Maximum valley depth | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Sz | Maximum height | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Ssk | Skewness | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Sku | Kurtosis | Gwyddion, MountainsMap | |
Hybrid | Sdr1 | Developed interfacial area ratio | Gwyddion2, MountainsMap |
Sdq | Root mean square gradient | MountainsMap | |
Spatial | Sal | Autocorrelation length | - |
Str | Texture aspect ratio | - | |
Functional | Sk | Core roughness depth | MountainsMap |
Spk | Reduced peak height | MountainsMap | |
Svk | Reduced dale height | MountainsMap | |
Smr1 | Material ratio 1 | MountainsMap | |
Smr2 | Material ratio 2 | MountainsMap | |
Sxp | Peak extreme height | MountainsMap | |
Functional (volume) | Vmp | Peak material volume | MountainsMap |
Vmc | Core material volume | MountainsMap | |
Vvv | Dale void volume | MountainsMap | |
Vvc | Core void volume | MountainsMap |
1 Per default, Sdr calculation uses the algorithm proposed by ISO 25178 and also used by MountainsMap
By keyword argument, the Gwyddion algorithm can be used instead.
2 Gwyddion does not support Sdr calculation directly, but calculates surface area and projected
Additionally, this package supports the calculation of non-standard parameters for periodic textured surfaces with one- dimensional periodic structures. The following parameters can be calculated:
Parameter | Description |
Period | Dominant spatial period of the 1d-surface texture |
Depth | Peak-to-valley depth of the 1d-texture profiles |
Aspect ratio | Ratio of peak-to-valley depth to spatial period |
Homogeneity | Homogeneity factor (0 < H < 1) calculated from Gini analysis |
Orientation | Clockwise angle of the dominant texture to the vertical axis |
Operation | Description |
Leveling | Subtraction of least squares fit to a plane |
Zeroing | Sets the lowest datapoint of the surface to zero |
Centering | Sets the average value of the surface elevation to zero |
Zooming | Magnifies the surface by a specified factor |
Cropping | Crops the surface in a specified rectangle |
Rotation | Rotates the surface by a specified angle in degrees |
Alignment | Aligns the surface with the dominant texture direction by rotation |
Outlier removal | Removes outliers outside n standard deviation from the mean |
Thresholding | Thresholding based on areal material ratio |
Filtering | Applies a Gaussian highpass, lowpass or bandpass filter |
from surfalize import Surface
filepath = 'example.vk4'
surface = Surface.load(filepath)
# Individual calculation of parameters
sa = surface.Sa()
sq = surface.Sq()
# Calculation in batch
parameters = surace.roughness_parameters(['Sa', 'Sq', 'Sz'])
>>> parameters
{'Sa': 1.25, 'Sq': 1.47, 'Sz': 2.01}
# Calculation in batch of all available parameters
all_available_parameters = surace.roughness_parameters()
Surface operations return a new Surface
object by default. If inplace=True
is specified, the operation applies
to the Surface
object it is called on and returns it to allow for method chaining. Inplace is generally faster since
it does not copy the data and does not need to instantiate a new object.
# Levelling the surface using least-sqaures plane compensation
# Returns new Surface object
surface = surface.level()
# Returns self (to allow for method chaining)
# Filters the surface using a Gaussian filter
surface_low = surface.filter(filter_type='highpass', cutoff=10)
# Filter form and noise
surface_filtered = surface.filter(filter_type='bandpass', cutoff=0.8, cutoff2=10)
# Separate waviness and roughness at a cutoff wavelength of 10 µm and return both
surface_roughness, surface_waviness = surface.filter('both', 10)
# If the surface contains any non-measured points, the points must be interpolated before any other operation can be applied
surface = surface.fill_nonmeasured(method='nearest')
# The surface can be rotated by a specified angle in degrees
# The resulting surface will automatically be cropped to not contain any areas without data
surface = surface.rotate(10)
# Aligning the surface texture to a specified axis by rotation, default is y
surface = surface.align(axis='y')
# Remove outliers
surface = surace.remove_outliers()
# Threshold the surface, default threshold value is 0.5% of the AbbottCurve
surface = surface.threshold(threshold=0.5)
# Non-symmetrical tresholds can be specified
surface = surface.threshold(threshold=(0.2, 0.5))
These methods can be chained:
surface = Surface.load(filepath).level().filter(filter_type='lowpass', cutoff=0.8)
The Surface
object offers multiple types of plots.
Plotting the topography itself is done using
. If the repr of a Surface
object is
invoked by Jupyter Notebook, it will automaticall call
# Some arguments can be specified'viridis', maskcolor='red')
The Abbott-Firestone curve and Fourier Transform can be plotted using:
# Here we apply a Hanning window to mitigate spectral leakage (recommended) as crop the plotted range of
frequencies to fxmax and fymax.
surface.plot_fourier_transform(hanning=True, fxmax=2, fymax=1)
surfalize provides a module for batch processing and surface roughness evaluation of large sets of measurement files.
from pathlib import Path
from surfalize import Batch
filepaths = Path('folder').glob('*.vk4')
# Create a Batch object that holds the filepaths to the surface files
batch = Batch(filepaths)
All operations of the surface can be applied to the Batch analogously to a Surface object. However, they are not applied immediately but registered for later execution.
batch.filter('highpass', 20)
Each operation on the batch returns the Batch object, allowing for method chaining.
batch = Batch(filepaths).level().filter('highpass', 20).align().center()
The calculation of roughness parameters can be done indiviually and chained.
Arguments to the roughness parameter calculations, such as p and q can be provided in the individual call.
batch.Vmc(p=10, q=80)
Parameters can also be calculated in bulk using Batch.roughness_parameters()
# Computes Sa, Sq, Sz
batch.roughness_parameters(['Sa', 'Sq', 'Sz'])
# Computes all available parameters
If arguments need to be supplied, the parameter must be constructed as a Parameter
from surfalize.batch import Parameter
Vmc = Parameter('Vmc', kwargs=dict(p=10, q=80))
batch.roughness_parameters(['Sa', 'Sq', 'Sz', Vmc])
Finally, the batch processing is executed by calling Batch.execute
, returning a pd.DataFrame
. Optionally,
can be specified to split the load among all available CPU cores. Moreover, the results
can be saved to an Excel Spread sheet by specifiying a path for saveto=r'path\to\excel_file.xlsx
df = batch.execute(multiprocessing=True)
Optionally, a Batch object can be initialized with a filepath pointing to an Excel File which contains additional
parameters, such as laser parameters. The file must contain a column file
, which specifies the filename including file
extension in the form name.ext
, e.g. topography_50X.vk4
. All other columns will be merged into the resulting
Dataframe that is returned by Batch.execute
batch = Batch(filespaths, additional_data=r'C:\users\exampleuser\documents\laserparameters.xlsx')
batch.level().filter('highpass', 20).align().roughness_parameters()
df = batch.execute()
Full example: Let's supppose we have four topography files called topo1.vk4
, topo2.vk4
, topo3.vk4
, topo4.vk4
the folder C:\users\exampleuser\documents\topo_files
. Moreover, we have additional information on these files in an
Excel files located in C:\users\exampleuser\documents\topo_files\laserparameters.xlsx
. The Excel looks like this:
file | power | pulse_overlap | hatch_distance |
topo1.vk4 | 100 | 20 | 12.5 |
topo2.vk4 | 50 | 20 | 12.5 |
topo3.vk4 | 100 | 50 | 12.5 |
topo4.vk4 | 50 | 50 | 12.5 |
from pathlib import Path
from surfalize import Batch
filepaths = Path(r'C:\users\exampleuser\documents\topo_files').glob('*.vk4')
batch = Batch(filespaths, additional_data=r'C:\users\exampleuser\documents\topo_files\laserparameters.xlsx')
batch.level().filter('highpass', 20).align().roughness_parameters(['Sa', 'Sq', 'Sz'])
batch.execute(multiprocessing=True, saveto=r'C:\users\exampleuser\documents\roughness_results.xlsx')
The result will be a DataFrame that looks like this:
file | power | pulse_overlap | hatch_distance | Sa | Sq | Sz |
topo1.vk4 | 100 | 20 | 12.5 | 0.85 | 1.25 | 3.10 |
topo2.vk4 | 50 | 20 | 12.5 | 0.42 | 0.51 | 1.87 |
topo3.vk4 | 100 | 50 | 12.5 | 1.34 | 1.67 | 3.84 |
topo4.vk4 | 50 | 50 | 12.5 | 0.55 | 0.67 | 1.99 |