This is the test of responsive gallery using bootstrap 3, flickr and Symfony 3.
How to deploy the project:
- Pull the code from github
- run composer update in the root folder
- Create database and set the database connection details in /app/config/parameters.yml
- Clear cache
- Run the command "php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force" to create the database schema
- Run the command "php bin/console app:add-user" and follow the prompt to create user and password.
- Go to the home page and login
- In the left navigation panel, the top button "Manage category is clickable". Click it and the category CRUD will be shown.
- Once the category is created, it will load 100 photos from flickr automatically by searching flickr with category's name.
Furture improvement:
- The photos in category shouldn't load automatically from flickr. It should provide a user interface for user to upload the photos.'
- Using jQuery would be a little bit hard to maintain if it becomes complicated. We should use ReactJS or any other modern front end framework.