Here includes the source code of Trans-dimensional random field language model (TRFLM), and the scripts of experiment on several dataset, such PTB corpus.
Use make all
to complie the code and the executables are generated in bin/
The package is organized as follows:
- src/ includes the C++ source code
- exp/ includes the scripts and data of the language modeling experiments
- exp/Word/ is a word morphology expeirment, a pilot expeirment to modeling English words (character sequences)
- exp/PTB/ is the LM experments on Penn Treebank (PTB) dataset.
- exp/Word/data/ and exp/PTB/data/ contain all the training, valid and test data for LM training.
- *.lext is the vocabulary for ngram LMs;
- *.list is the vocabulary used by TRFLMs. The only difference between *.lext and *.list is that *.list removes the begin and end symbols '<s>' and' </s>'. 'c10' or 'c200' in the file name denote the class number is 10 or 200.
- *.no is the dataset corresponding to the vocabulary *.lext, used by ngram LMs
- *.id is the dataset corresponding to the vocabulary *.list, used by TRFLMs
- exp/Word/ngram/ and exp/PTB/ngram/ contain the python scripts for ngram LMs
- exp/Word/trf/ and exp/PTB/trf/ contain the python scripts for TRFLM training
For a detial introduction of TRFLM, see
Wang, Bin, Zhijian Ou, and Zhiqiang Tan. "Trans-dimensional random fields for language modeling." ACL,2015.
For more speech recognition experiments, see