jQuery Populaty - A Form Populator - wbotelhos.com/populaty
jQuery Populaty is a plugin to populate form from a JSON.
@version 0.1.2
@since 2013-05-08
@author Washington Botelho
@documentation wbotelhos.com/populaty
@twitter twitter.com/wbotelhos
- jquery.populaty.js
checkable : ['checkbox', 'radio'] // Checkable fields.
exclude : ':submit, :reset, :button' // Field to be excluded from includeds.
include : ':input' // Fields to be included on population.
json : undefined // JSON data to populate the fields.
reset : true // Reset or not the form before populate.
selectable : ['select-one', 'select-multiple'] // Selectable fields.
typeful : [ // Typeful fields.
<input name="number" />
$('form').populaty({ json: { number: 1 } });
The MIT License
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