23 Nov 2017, cpp-ethereum 把 httserver 给删除了, 但很多时候我们需要它:
- 用 C++ 写的 HttpServer 相比用其它语言写的 httpProxy 来比更轻便的
- 对于cpp-ethereum 新手们,使用基于 http的 jsonRpc2.0与cpp-ethereum交互是很多人感觉很自然的事。
- httpServer 默认是不启动的, 同时我们也可以通过在cmake/ProjectJsonRpcCpp.cmake 里设置 -DHTTP_SERVER=OFF 在编译的把httpServer组关了
所以在这里我把 httpServer 给带了回来,同时定期与 https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum 进行同步
要使用httpServer,在启动时候加参数: -j , 如果需要指定端口加参数: --json-rpc-port 8545
23 Nov 2017 , cpp-ethereum drop http server. but sometime i think we need it :
- HttpServer in C++ is exceptionally portable other than using httpProxy in other language.
- It is easy to startup for beginner if we have HttpServer in cpp-ethereum(http looks friendly).
- HttpServer is not started by default when we run cpp-ethererm . and we can tun off the httpServer by set -DHTTP_SERVER=OFF in cmake/ProjectJsonRpcCpp.cmake.
so we bring back HTTP server to cpp-ethereum Node. and try synchronize with https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum
when use httpServer, add args: -j , you can specific a port for http by args: --json-rpc-port 8545
Git and GitHub is used to maintain the source code. Clone the repository by:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/wbug/cpp-ethereum-with-httpServer.git
cd cpp-ethereum-with-httpServer
The --recursive
option is important. It orders git to clone additional
submodules which are required to build the project.
If you missed it you can correct your mistake with command
git submodule update --init
CMake is used to control the build configuration of the project. Quite recent version of CMake is required (at the time of writing 3.4.3 is the minimum). We recommend installing CMake by downloading and unpacking the binary distribution of the latest version available on the CMake download page.
The CMake package available in your operating system can also be installed and used if it meets the minimum version requirement.
Alternative method
The repository contains the scripts/install_cmake.sh script that downloads a fixed version of CMake and unpacks it to the given directory prefix. Example usage:
scripts/install_cmake.sh --prefix /usr/local
The following libraries are required to be installed in the system in their development variant:
- leveldb
They usually can be installed using system-specific package manager. Examples for some systems:
Operating system | Installation command |
Debian-based | sudo apt-get install libleveldb-dev |
RedHat-based | dnf install leveldb-devel |
macOS | brew install leveldb |
We also support a "one-button" shell script scripts/install_deps.sh which attempts to aggregate dependencies installation instructions for Unix-like operating systems. It identifies your distro and installs the external packages. Supporting the script is non-trivial task so please inform us if it does not work for your use-case.
We provide prebuilt dependencies required to build the project. Download them with the scripts/install_deps.bat script.
Configure the project build with the following command. It will create the
directory with the configuration.
mkdir build; cd build # Create a build directory.
cmake .. # Configure the project.
cmake --build . # Build all default targets.
On Windows Visual Studio 2015 is required. You should generate Visual Studio
solution file (.sln) for 64-bit architecture by adding
-G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
argument to the CMake configure command.
After configuration is completed the cpp-ethereum.sln
can be found in the
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
All contributions are made under the GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE.