Forked from andybalaam/rabbit-escape
Rabbit Escape is a mobile and desktop game inspired by Lemmings and Pingus in which you must rescue some rabbits from a hostile environment by giving them special abilities.
Find out more at Rabbit Escape.
Rabbit Escape works on Android:
On PC (Linux, Windows, Mac) it runs via a Swing interface:
and, of course, text:
# r #
#rf #
#ff #
#f b #
# Q /\z # #
# # /######\/#\ ### #
#\ #\ /###########\ b### O#
On PC:
./runrabbit swing # Launch the UI
./runrabbit # Launch text interface
See the instructions and video at Creating Levels.
Code, graphics, sound effects by Andy Balaam and the Rabbit Escape Developers.
Music samples by tryad.