Finite state machine domain with seed, decorator and plugin for generating executable command line simulators in different languages.
Make sure the dependencies for webgme are installed.
- Clone this repository and from the root of the repo do:
npm install
- installs all dependenciesnpm install webgme
- installs webgme (it's a peer-dependency).- Launch a local mongodb instance (if not local edit the webgme config).
npm start
- Visit localhost:8888 from a browser.
Using the webgme-cli the following pieces can be imported (execute from root of repository).
Serialized model containing the finite-state-machine metamodel and some examples.
webgme import seed FiniteStateMachine webgme-finite-state-machine
Decorates the states and transitions in a UML-like fashion. The seed already registers the decorator for the appropriate nodes.
webgme import decorator UMLStateMachineDecorator webgme-finite-state-machine
Generates code from a state-machine. The seed registers the plugin for state-machines.
webgme import plugin FiniteStateMachine webgme-finite-state-machine
npm prune
npm install
npm version 1.1.0 -m "Release %s"
git push origin master
git checkout v1.1.0
git push origin v1.1.0
npm publish ./