OBF is a tool that help to integrate your monitoring system with a google calendar to manage the oncall shedule within a team.
It will fetch the oncall schedule defined in a google calendar and keep a contact file, based on a template, in sync with the schedule. The contact file is then sourced our notifications system.
The idea is to have this programm running as a service to have always the good contact notified by the monitoring system.
The template is totally customizable (handled by golang text/templates)
It also include some notifications capabilities using a slack webhook to inform who is oncall today.
You will need the following:
- a Google Api Service Account Key (from https://console.developers.google.com)
- a config file
- a pre-configured slack webhook (if you want to use notifications)
cd src
go get -v -d
go run oncall-buddy-finder.go
Configuration is handled as 3 levels (in the order of precedence):
* JSON config file
* Env vars
* default values
The program will try to guess the best config file for you:
* $CONFIG if ($CONFIG is defined)
* oncall-buddy-finder.$ENV.json (if $ENV is set)
* oncall-buddy-finder.json
- GoogleApiSecretFile: "client_secret.json",
- CalendarId: "",
- UserID: "me@example.com",
- TimezoneName: "UTC",
- CheckInterval (in minutes): 60,
- BuddiesList: {},
- SlackWebhookUrl: "",
- SlackChannel: "#general",
- NotificationInterval (in hours): 12,
- FileTemplate: "/etc/oncall-buddy-finder/oncall.vars.tpl",
- FileDest: "/var/run/oncall.vars",
Please feel free to contribute if you think it might be changed in some ways