ReactJS, Javascript, Sass, Webpack, HTML, Bootstrap 3.7, SASS React version 16.9.0+ Includes Axios and one REST GET integration for sliders with slick carrousel in an Featured.js file. Feel free to change it.
Includes some animations that you can find in assets/styles/ folder _animations.scss file. Include there the new animations and use class names to active it.
Go to the assets folder then styles folder and select App.scss for custom styles. SASS it's pre-configure for automatic compilations when save changes. Remember use the underscore _ before to the .scss file to ignore double compressing.
- Yarn
- Node
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies with yarn install
- Launch project with yarn start
- follow the documentation @testing-library
- It's preconfigured in this project
- in your console run "npm run test:watch"
- The parent file App.test.js is watching all changes in the code
👤 Jorge Arturo Suarez Uribe
- Twitter: @jorgsuau
- Github: @frontendjorge
- LinkedIn @jorgsuau
Copyright © 2019 @jorgsuau
This project is free to fork licensed.