An enterprise Next.js template application based on bulletproof architecture showcasing - Testing strategies, Global state management, Custom environments, a network layer, component library integration, server response caching, PWA support, localization, Custom App, Custom document, Custom offline fallback, and Continuous integration & deployment.
We’re always looking for people who value their work, so come and join us. We are hiring!
- Global state management using
- Side Effects using
RTK Query
- API calls using
- Styling using
- Reusing components from Ant design
- Translations using
Global state management using Redux Toolkit
Take a look at the following files
Getting state from the redux store and dispatching actions to store using React Redux
Take a look at the following files
Side effects using RTK Query
Take a look at the following files
API calls using Api Sauce
Take a look at the following files
Styling components using Styled Components
Take a look at the following files
Reusing components from Ant design
Take a look at the following files
Translations using Lingui
Take a look at the following files
CI/CD using Github Actions. The CI pipeline has the following phases
- Checkout
- Install dependencies
- Lint
- Test
- Build
- Lighthouse CI
Take a look at the following files
Testing is done using the @testing-library/react.
Take a look at the following files
yarn dev
yarn start
- Production:
yarn build
- @features -> features/
- @slices -> store/slices/
- @store -> store/
- @common -> common/
- @themes -> themes/
- @utils -> utils/
- @containers -> containers/
Take a look at the following files