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Go-Gator is a tool created to retrieve, filter, and present news articles from a wide range of sources. I used this project to learn about Kubernetes, Gh Actions, AWS and Argo CD during my internship at TeamDev

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Go Gator

News Aggregator Server


  1. Handlers for managing sources (Admin API)
  2. Handler for retrieving news by given parameters:
  3. Verifying user input, displaying appropriate messages/errors
  4. Dynamic fetching news from external APIs:
    • Making requests to external APIs (ABC,BBC, etc.), and store it. Not from static files as were before
  5. Covered code with unit and integration tests
  6. Made server secure with HTTPS
  7. Added logging
  8. Containerized application with docker


Here I would like to explain the purpose of each directory.

1. Cmd

Main logic of the application is there. Cmd has few sub folders:

  1. Parsers - Parsing various data types
  2. Filters - Filtering news by various parameters
  3. Types - Types folder is used to avoid cycling imports. Object that are used in multiple packages (e.g. Parsing Parameters) lives there
  4. Server - server initialization and configuration
  5. Server/handlers - handlers attached to the server
  6. Validator - Validating layer using chain of responsibility pattern

2. Docs

Documentation, specfile and C4 model, and usage/response examples with images

Server Handlers

Go-Gator server contains few handlers. Few of them are used by admins to manage list of available sources.
News handler is used by clients to fetch news. P.S. This example assumes that server is running on port :443, however you can change it any time.

  1. GET: /news - Returns list of news, filtering them by parameters.
  • Available parameters:

ts-from=2024-05-12 News will be retrieved starting from that timestamp
ts-to=2024-05-18 No news will be retrieved, where publication date is bigger than provided parameter
sources=bbc,washingtontimes News will be retrieved ONLY from mentioned sources (separated by ',')
keywords=Ukraine,Chine News will be filtered by existence of keywords in title or description

  • Request example: img.png

  • Response example: img_2.png

  1. GET: /admin/sources - Returns list of available sources
  • Request example: get_sources_request.png

  • Response example: img_1.png

  1. POST /admin/sources - Add new sources to the list
    If were provided already existing source - will return an error.
  • Request example: img_2.png

  • Response example: img_3.png

  1. PUT '/admin/sources' - Update already existing sources
    In source, you can update either format, and/or endpoint. If were provided not-existing source - will return an error
  • Request example: img_4.png

  • Response example: img_5.png

  1. DELETE '/admin/sources' - Update already existing sources
    If were provided not-existing source - will return an error
  • Request example: img_6.png

  • Response example: img_7.png


  1. Using Golang:

go build -o ./bin/go-gator - Build golang binary
./bin/go-gator You can change default parameters, such as updates frequency, server port and certificates:

  1. -f - Changes news updates frequency

  2. -p - Specify port on which server will be operating

  3. -c and -k - Are used for SSL certificate and key

  4. Using Docker

docker build -t go-gator .
docker run go-gator -p 443:443 You can change your port to anything that you like, but destination port on the container should be 443.

  1. With Taskfile

task docker-build DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME={your_image_name}
task docker-run DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME={your_image_name}

task build
task run


Go-Gator is a tool created to retrieve, filter, and present news articles from a wide range of sources. I used this project to learn about Kubernetes, Gh Actions, AWS and Argo CD during my internship at TeamDev







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