This bot is designed to forward messages from Gmail to Telegram. It periodically checks for new emails in a specified Gmail account and sends the content of those emails, including the timestamp, subject, and body, to the specified Telegram user.
Additionally, this bot can be used to send emails by simply typing a message in a specific format. The message should be formatted as follows:
recipient_email ; subject ; body
The recipient email, subject, and body should be separated by a semicolon and a space.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd mail-sender
go get .
Before running the bot, you need to configure your Gmail and Telegram API credentials.
-- 1. Enable two-factor authentication in your gmail account, and generate application code (Instructions)
-- 2. Rename the downloaded JSON file to credentials.json and place it in the config directory.
-- 1. Create a new bot on Telegram by talking to the BotFather. -- 2. Obtain the bot token and save it for later use.
go run bot.go
The bot will check for new emails every 5 minutes and forward any new messages to the specified Telegram user. To send an email using the bot, simply send a message in the following format to your Telegram bot:
recipient_email ; subject ; body
Make sure to replace recipient_email, subject, and body with the actual values.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.