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Wesley Koerber edited this page Aug 17, 2024 · 8 revisions


Command Alias Description
list ls List Zig versions
install i Install a Zig version
use N/A Use an installed Zig version
uninstall rm Remove an installed Zig version
prune N/A Remove all but active Zig version
help h Print help

list, ls

List Zig versions. By default, lists versions from the remote index.

Option Description
-i, --installed List Zig versions available in the remote index

install, i

Install a new Zig version.

Option Description
-e, --exact Attempt to install
-s, --src Build and install the latest commit on the master branch
-u, --use Set version active after installing


Use an installed version.

uninstall, rm

Remove an installed Zig version.

Option Description
-l, --use-latest Fallback to latest version after uninstalling
-f, --force Forcefully uninstall, even if version is active


Uninstalls all but the current version. Useful for cleaning up old versions.

help, h

Print usage information.

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