Samatra-testing is a collection of utilities for testing Samatra controllers or any other servlets in memory, without requiring a running server.
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- Scala 2.12, 2.11
- AsyncHttpClient 2.0.32
resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.westernsam:samatra-testing-unit" % "v1.0"
You can either match again a HttpResp, or "run" the resp and compare the status code, output, headers, and cookies:
whenReady(routes.get("/hello/sam", cookies = Seq(new Cookie("cookie", "expectedValue")))) { result =>
result shouldBe WithCookies(Seq(AddCookie("cookie", "expectedValue"))) {
WithHeaders("a" -> "b") {
whenReady(routes.get("/request-response")) { result =>
val (statusCode, headers, _, body) =
statusCode shouldBe 200
headers("Date") shouldBe Seq("Thu, 18 05 2017 12:00:00 GMT")
new String(body) shouldBe "sam"
See ExampleTest for further examples.
resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.westernsam:samatra-testing-asynchttp" % "v1.0"
Mount any servlet and get back an instance of AsyncHttpClient (2.0.32) to use to make requests (except it's in memory)
val http: AsyncHttpClient = client(new ServerConfig {
mount("/*", Routes(basic))
mount("/regex/*", Routes(regex))
mount("/caching/*", Routes(caching))
mount("/future/*", Routes(futures))
See ControllerTest for further examples.
You can set up your servlet under test and all of the http services it calls as stubs (or wiremocks), all in memory. (You need to be careful that the http is passed by name to your servlet, or stackoverflow ensues)
resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.westernsam:samatra-testing-jetty" % "v1.0"
class ControllerTests extends FunSpec with ScalaFutures with RoutesFixtures with BeforeAndAfterAll with JettyBackend {
val http: AsyncHttpClient = client(new ServerConfig {
mount("/*", Routes(basic))
mount("/regex/*", Routes(regex))
mount("/caching/*", Routes(caching))
mount("/future/*", Routes(futures))
See ControllerTest for more details.
resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.westernsam:samatra-testing-wiremock" % "v1.0"
Create an AsyncHttpClient with wiremock backed in. This uses Wiremock servlet to stub/mock http requests, but again all in memory.
val wm = new WiremockHelper(wmContextPath = "/wm/*") with InMemoryBackend
val response = wm.http.preparePost("/wm/something").setBody("Hello").execute().get()
response.getStatusCode shouldBe 200
response.getResponseBody shouldBe "hello"
WireMock.postRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/wm/something")).withRequestBody(new EqualToPattern("Hello"))
See WiremockTest for more details.
resolvers += "jitpack" at "",
libraryDependencies += "com.github.westernsam:samatra-testing-htmlunitdriver" % "v1.0"
Create an Htmlunit selenium driver backed by an in memory async http client.
val http: AsyncHttpClient = client(new ServerConfig {
mount("/home/*", Routes(new Controller {
get("/Hello") { req =>
| <title>${req.queryStringParamValue("title")}</title>
val driver: WebDriver = http.driver
driver.getTitle shouldBe "Hi Sam"
See HtmlUnitTest for more details.