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Climate Data Project

SSI Climate, Land Cover, and Water Quality Research

This repository contains code used for data extraction and analysis in the development of a model for water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Northern California's Deer Creek watershed, using 20 years of citizen science data collected by Sierra Streams Institute, and climate and land cover variables gathered from multiple sources.

Tasks Responsible Due Date (Always a Friday)
Boxplots of Water Quality outliers, lit review WS 7/31
Upload SEM scripts to GitHub + first stab at predictions JL 8/7
Run data back through the PCA script WS 8/14
Look over scripts for readability and style ALL 8/14, Rolling
Write rough draft of paper based on model results WS + DP 8/21, Rolling
Draft up presentation for SNA DP + WS 8/21, Rolling

Delete when complete!