SwingExplorer is a tool for Java Swing application debugging. This plugin integrates it into IntelliJ IDEA, to use it without external console
The plug-in was original contributed by Piotr Mlocek. Modified by Werner Glanzer (See on GitHub).
If you install this plugin you see a small blue arrow icon in your toolbar.
It gets enabled, if a java run configuration was selected.
Click on it, and it will start your program, combined with the SwingExplorer.
The SwingExplorer will show up in a new window and looks like this:
On the left side you get a complete overview of your swing component tree. Doubleclick on any item to "select" it and display it inside the main window. In the main part you then get a browseable overview of your component - just try hovering over a component there!
On the lower side there are different properties, the addition stacktrace, and much more.
Fork of http://swing-explorer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/swing-explorer-idea/
Original Author: Piotr Mlocek License: GNU LGPL v3