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Interested in commissioning projects? Inquire through Discord(whi_ne#4783) or through e-mail([email protected]). Price starts at 30 USD.
md2pdf is still in Development Stage.
Using the program at this stage is not recommended.
Since people are looking for the download first, here you go:
Follow this link to install md2pdf in your machine.
md2pdf is a Markdown to PDF converter that can also do a lot of stuff:
- Headers and Footers
- Can be in Markdown or HTML format
- Support for first page header and footer
- Print output HTML
- Programmatic Usage
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux
This section is not yet complete.
Visit this link to get started. The instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Standardized Styles
- Consistent Results
- Programmatic Usage
- This program does not guarantee that you will be able to write faster, just be able to write in markdown (effectively plaintext) and produce consistent results (assuming that you use the same text, settings, stylesheet/s, and whatnot)
- Have to link pictures online in order to attach one in the document, unlike in fancy word editors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer
This program is translation (i18n) ready!
Please refer to this link to learn more on how to create a translation for this program.
- This program can not be run in termux due to an inherent bug in AOSP that the said org's developers refuses to fix even if it will only take (apparently) a change in a single line of code (I forgot where the relevant Stackoverflow link is stored at, nor do I know the keywords for searching it up)
I want to implement more features as to extend the markdown specification, and in this link, you can see the following considerations to be made for future feature implementations.
If you want to help, check the TODO of the developer and the contribution guidelines.
For the contribution guidelines, visit this link.
For contributing in the latest version of md2pdf, visit this link
Copyright for portions of project md2pdf are held by [Julien Maupetit, Github account jmaupetit owner, 2016-2021] as part of project md2pdf, by [c4ffein, Github account c4ffein owner, 2021-2022] as part of project txt2pdf, by [Simon Sapin, Github account SimonSapin owner, 2011-2023] as part of project WeasyPrint, by [Pallets, Github account pallets owner, 2014-2022] as part of project click, by [mbarkhau, Github account mbarkhau owner, 2019-2021] as part of project markdown-katex, by [Python-Markdown, Github account Python-Markdown owner, 2007-2023] as part of project markdown, by [whi_ne, Github account whinee owner, 2021-2022] as part of project MangDL, and by [whi_ne, Github account whinee owner, 2022] as part of project YAMHL.
All other copyright for project md2pdf are held by [Github Account whinee Owner, 2023].
Check the LICENSE for more details.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (vectorized by Mysid, modified by whinee), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Exclamation Mark, Code Fork, Star, Group, Code, and Discord icons by Icons8
NOTE: If a reference or source material is not attributed properly or not at all, please kindly message me at Discord: whi_ne#4783 or create a pull request so I can properly give credit to their respective authors.