With this chrome extension you can clear facebook activity log. You can clear activity of any month and any year. This chrome extension can unlike all posts, remove friends and clear unfollowed, searched, created posts, created comments etc. activity from facebook activity log. Now before you continue i recommend you to read Note section.
Steps to use.
Just git clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/whitehatjrchintu/facebookactivitycleaner.git
Or download this repository as zip and unzip it.
- Go to
in Chrome and enableDeveloper mode
. - If you have downloaded zip file or used git just drag the unzipped folder there.
- Do as mentioned in Note section.
ℹ️ Important information.
Facebook have similar parameters for unliking posts, deleting posts, deleting comments, removing friends, deleting unfollowed, deleting searched and many more other activities. So if you want to only unlike posts just visit
(The "your_facebook_id" is your fb id. To get your fb id visithttps://mbasic.facebook.com/me/
and find<input type="hidden" name="target" value="
in source of that page. You will get something like this<input type="hidden" name="target" value="1234567890"
.) , selectLikes and reactions
, install/enable this extension and refresh that page. You can do this same for other filters. -
Facebook have setup user request limits so enjoy until you get this error:-
Due to Facebook limit i would recommend to use this extension 2 times a week. Excess use might lead to permanent account ban.
If you want to delete activity of current running month kindly select This Month on facebook activity log page.
You can clear activity of any month and any year but you have to open every month manually. Suppose you want to clear September 2018's activity so just go to facebook activity log, click 2018, click September and wait. After cleaning September's activity if you want to clean October's activity just click October.
Will improve it timely. If you found any mistake or have any suggestion let me know i will correct/apply that.
Things this extension can do.
- Unlike posts.
- Remove friends.
- Delete created personal posts or group posts.
- Delete created comments.
- Delete unfollowed person's activity.
- Delete searched activity.
- Thank you Gopal Mandal for help.