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i3-gaps polybar rofi rofi-power-menu dunst picom-ibhagwan-git kitty Dracula Icons Nerd Fonts

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i3-gaps, polybar, rofi, rofi-power-menu , dunst , picom-ibhagwan-git, alacritty, Dracula Icons, Nerd Fonts,

Blur on Alacritty, Rofi, Nautilus, Spotify and vscode.

Aenami wallpapers


Installing basic apps and stuff

sudo pacman -S neofetch alacritty make arandr blueman bluez feh git go gnome-calculator lxappearance neovim networkmanager network-manager-applet mpv maim nautilus rofi ranger qbittorrent telegram-desktop python python-pip polybar wget wine xautolock xclip xdotool xdg-utils xss-lock youtube-dl zathura brightnessctl dunst ncdu jq bq autorandr pamixer

community stuff

paru -S autotiling-git spotify visual-studio-code-bin google-chrome freedownloadmanager dracula-icons-git rofi-greenclip rofi-power-menu picom-ibhagwan-git notion-app-enhanced nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono timeshift-bin google-calendar-nativefier rofi-calc

if you want more fonts

paru -S nerd-fonts-complete


sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service --now sudo systemctl enable cronie.service --now ## this is for timeshift, plus other stuff

increase zram 4gb to 8gb if you're running archinstall

nvim /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf ## and change zram file to your desire zram-size=8192

allow bluez to show your bluetooth headset battery

cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service /etc/systemd/system/ sed -i -r 's/ExecStart=.+/& -E/' /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart bluetooth

Few other apps

sudo pacman -S wine steam lutris discord

autorandr so you dont have to use xrand/arandr every goddamn time you use an external display.

autorandr --save mobile ## Saving mobile (only laptop screen) autorandr --save docked ## Saving HDMI (in my case when I use it on clamshell/charging)

not sure if there's anything more to do, might be, can't remember. If I do another reinstall I'll try to put it in here.

I'll probably setup some qemu/kvm stuff as well, although I dunno when.

there's also some systemctl stuff to enable/start bluetooth, networkmanager and maybe some other stuff. But did all this from memory, so I can't remember the other services, so if I ever do another reinstall, which is only a question of when. I will finish this.:wq (kinda forgot I wasn't on vim for a second)


i3-gaps polybar rofi rofi-power-menu dunst picom-ibhagwan-git kitty Dracula Icons Nerd Fonts






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