by @whoseyoung #5
4 errors
macos-installer / cura-installer-create
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organizations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'self-hosted-X64'.
macos-arm-installer / cura-installer-create
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organizations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'self-hosted-ARM64'.
linux-installer / cura-installer-create
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organizations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'self-hosted-Ubuntu22-X64'.
windows-installer / cura-installer-create
Called workflows cannot be queued onto self-hosted runners across organizations/enterprises. Failed to queue this job. Labels: 'self-hosted-Windows-X64'.