A Lite ,easy for learning neural networks (MLP) implementation project.
The project has implemented as follow:
- Basic matrix calculation implements.
- Backpropagation with matrix form.
- A Perceptron with sigmoid activate function.
- A Three-layered MLP with sigmoid activate function.
- Demo training for the XOR problem.
- Linux user:
$ sudo apt-get install git-all
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ git clone https://github.com/whuang022ai/LiteNN.git
$ cd LiteNN/LiteNN
$ make -f Makefile.linux
$ ./LiteNN
- Mac OS X user (Please install brew before you typing the following commands.):
$ brew install git
$ brew install gcc
$ brew install make
$ git clone https://github.com/whuang022ai/LiteNN.git
$ cd LiteNN/LiteNN
$ make -f Makefile.mac
$ ./LiteNN
- Windows user:
Install git,g++,make for Windows as following and seeting the System Path:
$ git clone https://github.com/whuang022ai/LiteNN.git
$ cd LiteNN/LiteNN
$ make -f Makefile.win
$ LiteNN.exe
This project is a demo code for classes as following: