This application has been tested with PHP 5.6, Chrome 15 and above, Firefox 4.0 and above, and IE 8.0 and above.
- Composer
- Facebook PHP API
- Google+ PHP API
- Propel
- Swiftmailer
- Klein
Disable directory browsing
Configure /public_html as the web root
Must have the following rewrite rules implemented to enable Klein re-router:
Rewrite the exclusion of the following regex to viewReroute.php ^(ajax.)|(..(css|gif|png|jpg|jpeg|js|ico))$
Rewrite the inclusion of the following regex to ajaxReroute.php ^ajax.*$
Configuration for IIS7 is included in the web.config file under /public_html/ directory. Configuration for Apache is included in the .htaccess file under / directory.
Install the required vendor packages using Composer, using /composer.json and versions as specified in /composer.lock.
Create the following directories: /public_html/profile_pic_cache
Configure the web server as per Web Server Configuration. Install MySQL.
Modify /database/propel.yaml and /database/SQL/db_setup.sql for database username and password. Set up Propel and the MySQL database. Add Propel to the PATH variables.
Setup the SQL database using /database/SQL/db_setup.sql and /database/SQL/onboard.sql. Note that onboard.sql can be replicated using /database/schema.xml from Propel.
Modify /loading.php to set error_reporting to production settings.
Create /onboard_settings.json under the root directory with the following content, replacing the entries accordingly:
{ sites:[ { "fb_app_id": "xxxx", "fb_app_secret": "xxxx", "domain": "" }, { "fb_app_id": "xxxx", "fb_app_secret": "xxxx", "domain": "" } ] }
Use /database/schema.xml to update the database structure.
In the directory run: propel config:convert to generate the config.php propel model:build to generate the PHP database model propel sql:build to generate the sql script
In the top directory run: composer dump-autoload to generate the composer autoload
Avoid the following directories/files:
- /onboard_settings.json
- /public_html/profile_pic_cache
- /database/config.php