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William Fiset edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 18 revisions


This repository is contribution friendly 😃. If you're an algorithms enthusiast and want to add or improve an algorithm your contribution is welcome! Please be sure to include tests 😘

Getting started

This project uses Gradle as a build system (and testing). Make sure you have Java 8+ SDK installed and the gradle command-line tool. Run the build command to make sure you don't get any errors:

Algorithms$ gradle build

Adding a new algorithm

The procedure to add a new algorithm or snippet of code is:

  1. If there doesn't already exist an issue, then file a new issue explaining the algorithm/change you want to do.
  2. Make sure the algorithm doesn't already exist! We don't want duplicate algorithms 😬
  3. Identify the category folder your algorithm belongs to. For example, a matrix multiplication snippet would belong to the src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/linearalgebra folder. You may also create a new category folder if appropriate.
  4. Add the algorithm implementation to: src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/category/
  5. Add tests for FooAlgorithm in: src/test/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/category/
  6. Test your algorithm thoroughly (see testing section below)
  7. Run gradle goJF to format all Java code according to Google Style Guide.
  8. Send pull request for review 😮


This repository places a large emphasis on good testing practice to ensure that published algorithms are bug free and high quality. You will not be able to submit your pull request without providing tests to prove your algorithm's functionality. Testing is done using a combination of frameworks including JUnit, Mockito and the Google Truth framework.

Algorithms$ gradle test

However, when developing you likely do not want to run all tests but only a subset of them. For example, if you want to run the file under src/main/java/com/williamfiset/algorithms/graphtheory/ you can execute:

Algorithms$ gradle test --tests "com.williamfiset.algorithms.graphtheory.FloydWarshallSolverTest"
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