🔭 I’m currently working on my 100 hours project
🌱 I’m currently learning React & node.Js
🏢 I’m looking for a Backend Software Engineer role in a Digital Agency
👯 I’m also looking to collaborate on API related projects
🤝 I’m looking for help with Making a Front end to a TV API
👨💻 All of my projects are available at here
- 💬 Ask me about js/node.js, python/flask, lua/love2d, c#/monogame
📄 Know about my experiences ResumeLink
⚡ Fun fact I love to learn how things works, and codng allows to do magic.
All my projects are available here on GitHub. You can view my top projects/contributions pinned below this introduction, or you can browse my repositories to see what I have built.
Not everything I build is open-source, There is property porjects that belong their respective owners.
Feel free to look at the repositories and play around with the code.
If you ever discover a bug or want to request a feature, please submit an issue or a pull request — they are always welcome!
Python, Flask, Postgresql, Ionic |
Python, Flask, Postgresql |
Python, Flask, Postgresql |
HTML5, CSS3, & Javascript |