This is a CMS with Symfony 2.1.x
- How to create a Symfony Bundle
- Controller
- How to render twig -- How to use Doctrine
- How to get request data
- Entity
- Normal Entity and Form
- Entity and Form with Doctrine ORM
- Validate entity
- Upload a file with doctrine
- Relationship of entity
- Twig
- usage of Twig
- How to create a Twig extension
- Security
- User entity (implements UserInterface)
- Set app/config/security.yml
- To be continued
Download Symfony2 CMS
To install symfony2-cms, do the following:
- cd symfony2-cms
- cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
- curl -s | php
- php composer.phar install
- app/console assetic:dump
NOTE: you can use the following command:
- php composer.phar update
modify the database and email configuration in app/config/parameters.yml
and set app/cache and app/logs folder 777 or 755 or 644
- create database:
- php app/console doctrine:database:create
- create table:
- php app/console doctrine:schema:create
config apache ...
It should now work. If you run into any issues, feel free to open a new issue or make a new pull request. Please write your questions to issues if you have some questions.