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@battermann battermann released this 04 Apr 12:16
· 2669 commits to master since this release

Release notes

API changes

  • New endpoint to get the status of the guest links feature for a conversation that potentially has been created by someone from another team. (#2231)


Bug fixes and other updates

  • Conversation rename endpoints now return 204 instead of 404 when the conversation name is unchanged (#2239)

  • Revert temporary sftd bump (#2230)

Internal changes

  • Remove the MonadMask instance for AppT in Brig (#2259)

  • Remove the MonadUnliftIO instance for the app monad in Brig (#2233)

  • Bump hsaml2 version (#2221)

  • Fix: fails if not run from root of wire-server (#2236)

  • Fix: pushing to cachix not working (#2257)

  • Cannon has been fully migrated to Servant (#2243)

  • Refactor conversation record and conversation creation functions. This removes a lot of duplication and makes the types of protocol-specific data in a conversation tighter. (#2234)

    • Move conversation name size check to NewConv
    • Make the NewConversation record (used as input to the data
      function creating a conversation) contain a ConversationMetadata.
    • Implement all "special" conversation creation in terms of a general createConversation
    • Move protocol field from metadata to Conversation
    • Restructure MLS fields in Conversation record
    • Factor out metadata fields from Data.Conversation
  • Fix Docs: real-world domain used in examples (#2238)

  • The CanThrow combinator can now be used to set the corresponding error effects in polysemy handlers. (#2239)

  • Most error effects in Galley are now defined at the granularity of single error values. For example, a handler throwing ConvNotFound will now directly declare ConvNotFound (as a promoted constructor) among its error effects, instead of the generic ConversationError that was used before. Correspondingly, all such fine-grained Galley errors have been moved to wire-api as constructors of a single enumerated type GalleyError, and similarly for Brig, Cannon and Cargohold. (#2239)

  • Add a column for MLS clients to the Galley member table (#2245)

  • Pin direnv version in script (#2232)

  • nginx-ingress-services chart: allow for custom challenge solvers (#2222, #2229)

  • Remove unused debian Makefile targets (#2237)

  • Use local serial consistency for Cassandra lightweight transactions (#2251)