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somentelucas edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 8 revisions





Release escrow

Authorization able
Basic Auth
Map<String, Object> responseRelease = Moip.API.escrows().release("escrow_id", setup);

Creating a payment with escrow

To create a payment using escrow, use the Payments resource and include the following object:

    "description" : "Description of the escrow"

Example of a payment with escrow using the credit card hash:

Map<String, Object> taxDocument = payloadFactory(
    value("type", "CPF"),
    value("number", "33333333333")

Map<String, Object> phone = payloadFactory(
    value("countryCode", "55"),
    value("areaCode", "11"),
    value("number", "66778899")

Map<String, Object> holder = payloadFactory(
    value("fullname", "Portador Teste Moip"),
    value("birthdate", "1988-12-30"),
    value("taxDocument", taxDocument),
    value("phone", phone)

Map<String, Object> creditCard = payloadFactory(
    value("hash", "CREDIT_CARD_HASH"),
    value("holder", holder)

Map<String, Object> fundingInstrument = payloadFactory(
    value("method", "CREDIT_CARD"),
    value("creditCard", creditCard)

Map<String, Object> escrowDescription = payloadFactory(
    value("description", "Escrow description")

Map<String, Object> escrow = payloadFactory(
    value("escrow", escrowDescription)

Map<String, Object> payment = payloadFactory(
    value("installmentCount", 1),
    value("escrow", escrow),
    value("statementDescriptor", ""),
    value("fundingInstrument", fundingInstrument)

Map<String, Object> newPay = Moip.API.payments().pay(payment, "order_id", setup);
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