- Maven 3
- Java 7
Download the sources in a directory ($SOURCES)
mvn install
- demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar: demo jar
- demo-bundle.jar: demo with all dependencies bundled
$ java -jar demo-bundle.jar
The demo-bundle will, initially, create the following entities:
- 4 technicians
- 4 vans
- 4 vending machines
After 5 seconds it will start creating 4 issues, one every 2 seconds; then it will subscribe to receive notification about new issues using the URL given at command line. Once received a notification the demo will extract the vanID associated to the technitian selected for the issue and will start moving the van according to the build-in routing file.
You can find the Java library used for accessing the NGSI server at wirecloud-fiware/ngsijava