The Python Mini Probe is a PRTG probe which runs on linux systems. This repository contains a modified version to run it on a Synology device.
/PythonMiniProbe: clone of
/scripts: Scripts for installing
- Installs PythonMiniProbe in a virtualenv
- Does pip install...
- Generates UUID for probe
- Creates probe.conf with details from install wizard
/WIZARD_UIFILES: Install wizard
/INFO: Package metadata and icons (base64)
/dist: Installation files (.spk)
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd SynologyPythonMiniProbe
git submodule update --init --recursive
Run, this script does:
Converts App icon (icon350x250.png) to several dimensions and adds it as base64 to INFO.
Creates package metadata:
INFO.tpl -> INFO
Creates tar files:
/PythonMiniProbe -> package.tgz
package.tgz scripts WIZARD_UIFILES INFO -> PythonMiniProbe-1.0.0.spk
The resulting installation file will be in dist
Note: uses imagemagick to convert icons. Install imagemagick and make sure the convert binary is available on your system.
In the Package manager, change the Trust Level to Any publisher
Add Synocommunity repository -
Install Python 2.7.x from Synocommunity (not Python 3)
Install SynologyPythonMiniProbe-x.x.x.spk and run it
Set Package manager Trust Level back to previous setting
After installation APPROVE the new probe in PRTG
After approving, start the PythonMiniProbe on the Synology device
Set debug to True in:
Restart probe:
/var/packages/PythonMiniProbe/scripts/start-stop-status stop
/var/packages/PythonMiniProbe/scripts/start-stop-status start
Check logs: