Jio Gim, Creative IT Engineering, POSTECH
Student ID: 20160087, Povis ID: iknowme
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Sudoku Board |
In my solver (named SUDOKUS),
Below items are conjuncted.
All possibilities for an empty cell
For all empty cells, add condition of its all possibilities. For instance, in the cell of$7$ th row$7$ th column on right figure, the number$1$ ,$3$ ,$5$ ,$7$ ,$9$ cannot be in there. So in this case, the condition$(x_{(7,7,2)}\lor x_{(7,7,4)}\lor x_{(7,7,6)} \lor x_{(7,7,8)})\land \lnot x_{(7,7,1)} \land \lnot x_{(7,7,3)} \land \lnot x_{(7,7,5)} \land \lnot x_{(7,7,7)} \land \lnot x_{(7,7,9)}$ will be included to the CNF sentence. In this phase, Even/Odd Sudoku rules are also applied. -
Basic Sudoku rules
There're three major rule:$1$ to$9$ in each sub-grid, in each column, and in each row. This can be expressed in CNF as below.-
Sub-grid level
$(x_{(1,1,1)} \lor x_{(1,2,1)} \lor x_{(1,3,1)} \lor x_{(2,1,1)} \lor x_{(2,2,1)} \lor x_{(2,3,1)} \lor x_{(3,1,1)} \lor x_{(3,2,1)} \lor x_{(3,3,1)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,2)} \lor x_{(1,2,2)} \lor x_{(1,3,2)} \lor x_{(2,1,2)} \lor x_{(2,2,2)} \lor x_{(2,3,2)} \lor x_{(3,1,2)} \lor x_{(3,2,2)} \lor x_{(3,3,2)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,9)} \lor x_{(1,2,9)} \lor x_{(1,3,9)} \lor x_{(2,1,9)} \lor x_{(2,2,9)} \lor x_{(2,3,9)} \lor x_{(3,1,9)} \lor x_{(3,2,9)} \lor x_{(3,3,9)})$ -
Row level
$(x_{(1,1,1)} \lor x_{(1,2,1)} \lor x_{(1,3,1)} \lor x_{(1,4,1)} \lor x_{(1,5,1)} \lor x_{(1,6,1)} \lor x_{(1,7,1)} \lor x_{(1,8,1)} \lor x_{(1,9,1)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,2)} \lor x_{(1,2,2)} \lor x_{(1,3,2)} \lor x_{(1,4,2)} \lor x_{(1,5,2)} \lor x_{(1,6,2)} \lor x_{(1,7,2)} \lor x_{(1,8,2)} \lor x_{(1,9,2)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,9)} \lor x_{(1,2,9)} \lor x_{(1,3,9)} \lor x_{(1,4,9)} \lor x_{(1,5,9)} \lor x_{(1,6,9)} \lor x_{(1,7,9)} \lor x_{(1,8,9)} \lor x_{(1,9,9)})$ -
Column level
$(x_{(1,1,1)} \lor x_{(2,1,1)} \lor x_{(3,1,1)} \lor x_{(4,1,1)} \lor x_{(5,1,1)} \lor x_{(6,1,1)} \lor x_{(7,1,1)} \lor x_{(8,1,1)} \lor x_{(9,1,1)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,2)} \lor x_{(2,1,2)} \lor x_{(3,1,2)} \lor x_{(4,1,2)} \lor x_{(5,1,2)} \lor x_{(6,1,2)} \lor x_{(7,1,2)} \lor x_{(8,1,2)} \lor x_{(9,1,2)})$
$\land (x_{(1,1,9)} \lor x_{(2,1,9)} \lor x_{(3,1,9)} \lor x_{(4,1,9)} \lor x_{(5,1,9)} \lor x_{(6,1,9)} \lor x_{(7,1,9)} \lor x_{(8,1,9)} \lor x_{(9,1,9)})$ -
For all sets of disjunctions above: Make negative tuples of nonsame elements of them to make no any duplicated candidates get still alive in solutions.
$(x_{(1,1,1)} \lor x_{(2,1,1)} \cdots x_{(9,1,1)})$ $\rightarrow (\lnot x_{(1,1,1)} \lor \lnot x_{(2,1,1)}) \land (\lnot x_{(1,1,1)} \lor \lnot x_{(3,1,1)}) \land \cdots \land (\lnot x_{(8,1,1)} \lor \lnot x_{(9,1,1)})$
- XOR to CNF:
- Compared Solver:
- DO NOT USE Lombok → It does not supports Java 10.
- Logging in file output is now turned off to keep my score safe. It can re-turned on by uncommenting all comments in src/test/resources/logback-test.xml.