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wmbutler edited this page Feb 5, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the textimportinator wiki!

Visually create maps to import CSV data into a standard database table

Do you need to regularly re-organize csv files to fit into your database schema? I do. Ultimately, you will be able to:

  1. Read in an arbitrary csv file with headers
  2. Assign connect strings for mysql, mssql or whatever database you like.
  3. Assign tables that you plan to import into.
  4. Define which fields in the csv file map to which fields in your existing db table
  5. define other arbitrary tasks such as stripping out header and footer lines as well as extra lines.
  6. Determine how many times to loop through a record in case there are multiple pieces of data.
  7. Assign uniqueness based upon a specific column in the even that your data is repeated.
  8. Assign arbitrary delimiter character

Future awesomeness:

Allow for fixed length files by assigning character maps.

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