Most of this content is from the awesome textbook
If you are serious about learning Mac OS X and iOS internal, get a copy of the book and read it. Think of this document as a quick reminder document of userful concepts and commands
Get details of architecture and version history of Darwin
uname -a will give all the info
- Darwin - OS core - kernel and UNIX shell enviornment
- Core frameworks - Graphics and Media layer - core frameworks, Open GL, QuickTime
- Application frameworks - Cocoa, Carbon and Java. iOS only Cocoa Touch
- UX - Aqua, Dashboard, Spotlight and accessibility
Quicklook is a way to quickly preview a file without opening it. The utility used is qlmanage
To get thumbnail: qlmanage -t
To get preview: qlmanage -p or press space bar in finder with file selected
To manage quicklook server: qlmanage -m
Quick search technology for OSx and iOS
Magnifying glass icon in Mac or cmd+space
Left swipe on home screen in iOS
To issue search from terminal - mdfind
To manage MetaData data database - mdutil
To diagnose spotlight - MDdiagnose
To list metadata attributes of a file - mdls
To prevent indexing of a directory - create an invisible file .metadata_never_index
this method didn't work, adding .noindex to the folder stopped spotlight search hits
Bunch of choices
- sh
- bash
- csh
- tcsh
- zsh
- Case preserving but case insensitive in Mac - will show uppercase lowercase differently but commands will work either case
- Case sensitive in HFSX - Default in iOS
- /bin - Unix binaries: Common UNIX commands like ls, rm, df
- /sbin - System binaries: binaries for system admin like file system management, network config, etc.
- /usr - User directory: third party software can install here. Contains bin, sbin, lib. /usr/lib is used for shared objects, also contains include/ subdirectory where standard C headers are kept
- /etc - Et Cetera: contains system config files. In OSx, this is a symbolic link to /private/etc
- /dev - BSD device files: contains hardware device representations
- /tmp - temporary directory: used for temp files, it is world writable. In OSx, symbolic link to /private/tmp
- /var - various: used for log files, mail store, print spool. In OSx, symbolic link to /private/var
UNIX directories are invisible to finder. chflags can change an attribute called hidden to make it hidden to the GUI
ls with -O flag will show the hidden attribute
ls -Oal will list hidden directories with attribute showing
- /Applications - default base for all applications
- /Developer - If xcode is installed, default installation point for all developer tools
- /Library - Data files, help, documentation for system applications
- /Network - Virtual dir for neighbour node discovery and access
- /System - Used for system files, contains a library subdirectory. Contains frameworks, kernel modules, fonts, etc.
- /Users - Home directory for each user
- /Volumes - Mount point for removable media and network file system
- /Cores - Dir for core dumps. Core dumps are created when a process crashes
To get complete list, run "ls -Oal" from /
Standardized heirarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code
It is used for applications, frameworks, plugins, widgets and even kernel packages
- Contents/
- CodeResources/
- Info.plist
- MacOS/
- PkgInfo
- Resources/
- Version.plist
- _CodeSignature/
- CodeResources
plist has 3 formats
- XML: most common
- Binary: known as bplist
- JSON: not very common
More info using man plist
Conversion using plutil
Info.plist entries
PkgInfo = CFBundlePackageType + CFBundleSignature
This directory contains all the resources the applicaiton needs. This can contain any type of file the application might need
I'll add a lot more info about the code signing resources in the Mac OS X code signing project
- Frameworks are libraries that are specific to OS X
- They are closed source as opposed to Darwin libraries
- They also have a bundle format which is slightly different from the bundle format of applications discussed above
- /System/Library/Frameworks: Apple supplied frameworks reside here
- /Library/Frameworks: 3rd party frameworks reside here
- ~/Library/Frameworks: User supplied frameworks reside here
This is the framework used to develop applications for OS X
Apple is trying to get developers to use Swift as the primary programming language but objective C is still very much supported. Cocoa API is also accesible through various other programming languages(wiki page linked above has more info)
You can have some fun with speech to text framework
- These are the UNIX system libraries that all UNIX folks will be familiar with
- They are stored in /usr/lib directory
- On OS X, they have .dylib extension instead of .so extension
- libc is is libSystem.B.dylib library Apple provides
- These are basic web pages that can be presented by dashboard
- They are written just like webpages with html, js and css
- They reside as bundles with .wdgt format in /Library/Widgets directory
- It is also possible to work directly with UNIX and Mach API for application development
- Starting with Leopard(10.5), OS X is a certified UNIX implementation compliant with portable operating system interface(POSIX)
- Mach system calls are also avaiable in the user mode and are negative to keep them distanct from positive POSIX system calls
- It performs process and thread abstarction
- Manages virtual memory management
- Task scheduling
- Interprocess communication and messaging
- It provides UNIX process model
- POSIX threading model
- UNIX users and groups
- Network stack
It is a built in C++ library that allows kernel components to be written in C++(in addition to C and assembly like most kernels are created)
It is a I/O device driver framework that runs in libkern(C++) enviornment