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C/C++ bash, python and VUE Code Snippets

Vscode extension for C/C++, bash, python and vue, for easy to program.



Type a part of the keywords in snippet e.g., "for" and press enter.

for // Creates a for loop snippet

If the snippet does not appear, you can also just press Ctrl + Space (works on Windows, Linux, or Mac) to access the available snippets in the editor.


You can find this extension VScode extension market, but now it's not upload in that.

  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Launch VS Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (OSX)
  4. Type ext install or just simply select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension - CodeAssist Snippets
  6. Relaunch VS Code




bash Snippets

    archive compress tar.gz
    archive tar.gz
    archive compress tar.xz
    archive tar.xz
    archive compress .zip
    archive zip
    archive decompress tar.gz
    decompress tar.gz
    archive decompress tar.xz
    decompress tar.xz
    archive decompress .zip
    archive unzip
    array all
    array at index
    array concat
    array contains
    array declare
    array delete at
    array delete
    array filter
    array iterate
    array forEach
    array length
    array print
    echo array
    array push
    array add
    array slice
    array range
    array replace
    array reverse
    array set element
    command failure check
    cmd failure check
    hide command error
    don't show command error
    if command exists
    if cmd exists
    command nice
    cmd nice
    command renice
    cmd renice
    command substitution
    cmd substitution
    command success check
    cmd success check
    crypto base64 decode
    crypto base64 encode
    crypto hash
    date now dayOfMonth
    date now dayOfWeek
    date now dayOfYear
    date now short
    date now monthName
    date now monthNumber
    date now UTC
    date now year
    event CTRL+C
    event terminated
    event EXIT
    iterate directories
    directory create nested
    directory create
    directory delete nested
    directory remove nested
    file delete
    file remove
    file read
    file search
    search in files
    find in files
    file write multiline sudo
    file write multiline
    file write
    iterate files
    file find
    directory find
    if directory exists
    if file executable
    if file link
    if file exists
    if file not empty
    if file readable
    if file writeable
    if file newer
    if file older
    if file =
    if path exists
    remove old/new files/directories
    if float =
    if double =
    if float >=
    if double >=
    if float >
    if double >
    if float <=
    if double <=
    if float <
    if double <
    if float !=
    if double !=
    fn animation animate
    fn animation pacman
    fn banner color
    fn banner simple
    fn import
    fn options
    fn input choice
    fn checkbox
    fn input multichoice
    fn math average
    fn math factorial
    fn math fibonacci series
    fn math fibonacci
    fn math product
    fn math sum
    fn progress
    fn scan local
    fn time format seconds
    fn urldecode
    fn urlencode
    fn version compare
    fn semver compare
    fx animation animate
    fx animation pacman
    fx banner color
    fx banner simple
    fx import
    fx options
    fx input choice
    fx checkbox
    fx input multichoice
    fx math fibonacci
    fx math average
    fx math factorial
    fx math fibonacci series
    fx math product
    fx math sum
    fx progress
    fx scan local
    fx time format seconds
    fx urldecode
    fx urlencode
    fx version compare
    fx semver compare
    ftp delete file
    ftp download
    ftp list
    ftp rename
    ftp upload
    function arguments
    func args
    function arguments count
    func args count
    function return value
    func return value
    func ret val
    git branch create
    git branch delete local
    git branch delete remote
    git branch list
    git branch push
    git branch rename
    git changes revert
    git clone branch https
    git clone branch
    git clone https
    git clone
    git commit list notPushed
    git commit search
    git commit undo
    git commit
    git config list
    git config set
    git patch apply
    git patch create
    git remote list
    git remote urlAdd https
    git remote url add https
    git remote urlAdd
    git remote url add
    git remote urlAdd ssh
    git remote url add ssh
    git remote urlChange https
    git remote url change https
    git remote urlChange
    git remote url change
    git remote urlChange ssh
    git remote url change ssh
    git tag commit
    git commit tag
    git tag list
    git tag remote delete
    git tag remote push
    http cookie
    http download
    http GET
    http DELETE
    http header
    http POST file
    http POST
    http PUT
    input password
    input text
    ask question
    if int =
    if int >=
    if int >
    if int <=
    if int <
    if int !=
    for ij
    for i
    for in collection
    for in column
    for in range
    iff not
    loop infinite
    switch case
    loop until
    loop while
    ip local IPs
    ip info
    ip public
    math +
    math const 𝛾
    math const e
    math const Ω
    math const ϕ
    math const π
    math --
    math /=
    math /
    math ++
    math -=
    math %=
    math %
    math *=
    math *
    math +=
    math ^
    math 0.00
    math random
    math √
    math sqrt
    math -
    am I not root
    am I not sudo
    am I root
    am I sudo
    animation frame
    argument parsing
    parse args
    echo text
    print text
    echo variable
    print variable
    exit code
    os is
    first line
    stopwatch elapsed
    stopwatch start
    stopwatch stop
    color black
    color blue
    color cyan
    color green
    color magenta
    color red
    color white
    color yellow
    format bold
    format dim
    format italic
    format reverse
    process ID(s)
    process instances
    process kill
    process list all
    process Name by ID
    string concat
    string + string
    string contains
    if string contains
    string indexOf
    if string empty
    if string =
    string equal
    if string not empty
    if string !=
    string not equal
    string length
    string random
    string replace
    string reverse
    string substring count
    string substring frequency
    string substring
    string toLower
    string toUpper
    string trim all
    string trim left
    string trim right
    string trim
    system distro codename
    system distro name
    system distro version
    system kernel name
    system kernel release
    system memory info
    system processor architecture
    system cpu architecture
    system cpu arch
    system processor count
    system cpu count
    system processor model
    system cpu model
    system processor type
    system cpu type
    service manage
    systemd manage
    system uptime seconds
    system uptime
    time seconds epoch
    time now local
    time now UTC
    variable assign
    variable set
    variable default value
    assign if empty
    variable read
    variable expand

vue Snippets

Including most of the API of Vue.js 2. You can type vcom, choose VueConfigOptionMergeStrategies, and press ENTER, then Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies appear on the screen.

As shown in the table below, snippet vmData has body like ${this, vm}.$data will provides choice this.$data and vm.$data to you.

| Prefix | JavaScript Snippet Content |
| ------ | ------------ |
| `import` | `import ... from ...` |
| `newVue` | `new Vue({...})` |
| `VueConfigSilent` | `Vue.config.silent = true` |
Prefix HTML Snippet Content
template <template></template>
script <script></script>
style <style></style>
vText v-text=msg
vHtml v-html=html
vShow v-show
vIf v-if
vElse v-else
vElseIf v-else-if
vForWithoutKey v-for
vFor v-for="" :key=""
vOn v-on
vBind v-bind
vModel v-model
vPre v-pre
vCloak v-cloak
vOnce v-once
key :key
ref ref
slotA slot=""
slotE <slot></slot>
slotScope slot-scope=""
component <component :is=''></component>
keepAlive <keep-alive></keep-alive>
transition <transition></transition>
transitionGroup <transition-group></transition-group>
enterClass enter-class=''
leaveClass leave-class=''
appearClass appear-class=''
enterToClass enter-to-class=''
leaveToClass leave-to-class=''
appearToClass appear-to-class=''
enterActiveClass enter-active-class=''
leaveActiveClass leave-active-class=''
appearActiveClass appear-active-class=''
beforeEnterEvent @before-enter=''
beforeLeaveEvent @before-leave=''
beforeAppearEvent @before-appear=''
enterEvent @enter=''
leaveEvent @leave=''
appearEvent @appear=''
afterEnterEvent @after-enter=''
afterLeaveEvent @after-leave=''
afterAppearEvent @after-appear=''
enterCancelledEvent @enter-cancelled=''
leaveCancelledEvent @leave-cancelled=''
appearCancelledEvent @appear-cancelled=''

Prefix Vue Router Snippet Content
routerLink <router-link></router-link>
routerView <router-view></router-view>
to to=""
tag tag=""
newVueRouter const router = newVueRouter({ })
routerBeforeEach router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { }
routerBeforeResolve router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => { }
routerAfterEach router.afterEach((to, from) => { }
routerPush router.push()
routerReplace router.replace()
routerGo router.back()
routerBack router.push()
routerForward router.forward()
routerGetMatchedComponents router.getMatchedComponents()
routerResolve router.resolve()
routerAddRoutes router.addRoutes()
routerOnReady router.onReady()
routerOnError router.onError()
routes routes: []
beforeEnter beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => { }
beforeRouteEnter beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { }
beforeRouteLeave beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) { }
scrollBehavior scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) { }

Prefix Vuex Snippet Content
newVuexStore const store = new Vuex.Store({ })
Prefix Nuxt.js Snippet Content
nuxt <nuxt/>
nuxtChild <nuxt-child/>
nuxtLink <nuxt-link to=""/>
asyncData asyncData() {}

Python Base snippets

Abbreviation Description
env #!/usr/bin/env python
env3 #!/usr/bin/env python3
enc # -- coding=utf-8 --
enco # coding=utf-8
fenc from future import ...
fenco from future import ... (no -*-)
im import
fim from ... import ...
class New class
classd New dataclass
defs New method
def New function
dowhile Do while structure
adef Async function
property New property
enum New Enum
if if
for for
lambda lambda expression
while while
try try:except:
tryef try:except:else:finally:
trye try:except:else:
tryf try:except:finally:
s self
__ magic
ifmain if name == "main"

Python Comprehensions

Abbreviation Description
lc List comprehension
lcie List comprehension if else
lci List comprehension if filter
dc Dictionary comprehension
dci Dictionary comprehension if filter
sc Set comprehension
sci Set Comprehension if filter
gc Generator comprehension
gci Generator comprehension if filter

Python Unittest

Abbreviation Description
ase Assert equal
asne Assert not equal
asr Assert raises
ast Assert True
asf Assert False
asi Assert is
asint Assert is not
asino Assert is None
asinno Assert is not None
asin Assert in
asni Assert not in
as Assert
fail Fail (a test)

Python Debugging

Abbreviation Description
pdb PDB set trace
ipdb iPDB set trace
rpdb rPDB set trace
pudb PuDB set trace

Python Tkinter

Abbreviation Description
imtk Import Tkinter py2
imtk3 Import tkinter py3
config Root configuration
button Button
label Label
frame Frame
entry Entry
grid Grid
sticky Sticky
checkbutton Check button
mainloop Main loop
pack Pack
side Side
bind Bind
menu Menu
addcascade Add cascade
addcommand Add command
addseperator Add seperator

Python util Snippets

Snippet Shorcut Snippet Description
pyif If Statement
pyfor For loop
pywhile While loop
pytry Try Catch Block
pyfunc Sample Function
pylambda Lambda Function
pyclambda Complex Lambda Functions
pyenv Sample Environment Variable Reader
pyenvvar Add environment Variable
pyclass Classes
pyclfunc Class Functions
pyenum Enum
pyinum Int Enum
built-in methods code snippets Description
abs Returns the absolute value of a number
all Returns True if all items in an iterable object are true
any Returns True if any item in an iterable object is true
ascii Returns a readable version of an object. Replaces none-ascii characters with escape character
bin Returns the binary version of a number
bool Returns the boolean value of the specified object
bytearray Returns an array of bytes
bytes Returns a bytes object
callable Returns True if the specified object is callable, otherwise False
chr Returns a character from the specified Unicode code.
delattr Deletes the specified attribute (property or method) from the specified object
dict Returns a dictionary (Array)
dir Returns a list of the specified object's properties and methods
divmod Returns the quotient and the remainder when argument1 is divided by argument2
enumerate Takes a collection (e.g. a tuple) and returns it as an enumerate object
eval Evaluates and executes an expression
exec Executes the specified code (or object)
filter Use a filter function to exclude items in an iterable object
float Returns a floating point number
frozenset Returns a frozenset object
getattr Returns the value of the specified attribute (property or method)
globals Returns the current global symbol table as a dictionary
hasattr Returns True if the specified object has the specified attribute (property/method)
hash Returns the hash value of a specified object
help Executes the built-in help system
hex Converts a number into a hexadecimal value
int Returns an integer number
id Returns the id of an object
input Allowing user input
isinstance Returns True if a specified object is an instance of a specified object
issubclass Returns True if a specified class is a subclass of a specified object
iter Returns an iterator object
len Returns the length of an object
locals Returns an updated dictionary of the current local symbol table
map Returns the specified iterator with the specified function applied to each item
max Returns the largest item in an iterable
memoryview Returns a memory view object
min Returns the smallest item in an iterable
next Returns the next item in an iterable
object Returns a new object
oct Converts a number into an octal
open Opens a file and returns a file object
ord Given a string of length one, return an integer representing the Unicode code point of the character when the argument is a unicode object, or the value of the byte when the argument is an 8-bit string.
pow Return x to the power y
print Prints to the standard output device
property Gets, sets, deletes a property
range Returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and increments by 1 (by default)
repr Returns a readable version of an object
reversed Returns a reversed iterator
round Rounds a numbers
slice Returns a slice object
sorted Returns a sorted list
staticmethod Converts a method into a static method
str Returns a string object
sum Sums the items of an iterator
super Return a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class of type.
type Returns the type of an object
unichr Return the Unicode string of one character whose Unicode code is the integer i.
vars Returns the dict property of an object
zip Returns an iterator, from two or more iterators
built-in methods code examples Description
built_in.abs=>int An example for using abs method
built_in.abs=>float An example for using abs method
built_in.abs=>complex An example for using abs method
built_in.all=>list_1 An example for using all with list
built_in.all=>list_2 An example for using all with list
built_in.all=>tuple An example for using all with tuple
built_in.all=>set An example for using all with set
built_in.all=>dictionary An example for using all with dictionary
built_in.any=>list_1 An example for using all with list
built_in.ascii=>_list_1 An example for using ascii
built_in.bin=>_1 An example for using ascii
built_in.bool=>_1 An example for using bool
built_in.bytearray=>_1 An example for using bool
built_in.bytes=>_1 An example for using bytes
built_in.callable=>_1 An example for using callable
built_in.callable=>_2 An example for using bytes
built_in.chr=>_1 An example for using bytes
built_in.compile=>_1 An example for using compile
built_in.compile=>_1 An example for using compile
built_in.complex=>_1 An example for using complex
built_in.complex=>_2 An example for using complex
built_in.delattr=>_1 An example for using delattr
built_in.dict=>_1 An example for using dict
built_in.dir=> An example for using dict
built_in.divmod=>_1 An example for using divmod
built_in.enumerate=>_1 An example for using enumerate
built_in.eval=>_1 An example for using eval
built_in.exec=>_1 An example for using exec
built_in.filter=>_1 An example for using filter
built_in.float=>_1 An example for using float
built_in.float=>_2 An example for using float
built_in.format=>_1 An example for using format
built_in.frozenset=>_1 An example for using frozenset
built_in.frozenset=>_2 An example for using frozenset
built_in.frozenset=>_3 An example for using frozenset
built_in.globals=>_1 An example for using globals
built_in.globals=>_2 An example for using globals
built_in.hasattr=> An example for using hasattr
built_in.hex=> An example for using hasattr>_1 An example for using int>_2 An example for using int> An example for using id
built_in.input=>_1 An example for using input
built_in.input=>_2 An example for using input
built_in.isinstance=>_1 An example for using isinstance
built_in.isinstance=>_2 An example for using isinstance
built_in.isinstance=>_3 An example for using isinstance
built_in.issubclass=> An example for using isinstance
built_in.iter=> An example for using iter
built_in.len=>_1 An example for using len
built_in.len=>_2 An example for using len
built_in.list=> An example for using list
built_in.locals=>_1 An example for using locals
built_in.locals=>_2 An example for using locals>_1 An example for using map>_2 An example for using map
built_in.max=>_1 An example for using max
built_in.max=>_2 An example for using max
built_in.max=>_3 An example for using max
built_in.memoryview=> An example for using memoryview
built_in.min=>_1 An example for using min
built_in.min=>_2 An example for using min
built_in.min=>_3 An example for using min>_1 An example for using next>_2 An example for using next
built_in.object=> An example for using object
built_in.oct=> An example for using oct> An example for using open
built_in.ord=> An example for using ord
built_in.pow=> An example for using pow
built_in.print=>_1 An example for using print
built_in.print=>_2 An example for using print
built_in.print=>_3 An example for using print> An example for using property
built_in.range=>_1 An example for using range
built_in.range=>_2 An example for using range
built_in.range=>_3 An example for using range
built_in.reversed=> An example for using reversed
built_in.round=>_1 An example for using round
built_in.round=>_2 An example for using round
built_in.set=> An example for using set
built_in.setattr=> An example for using setattr
built_in.slice=>_1 An example for using slice
built_in.slice=>_2 An example for using slice
built_in.slice=>_3 An example for using slice
built_in.sorted=>_1 An example for using sorted
built_in.sorted=>_2 An example for using sorted
built_in.sorted=>_3 An example for using sorted
built_in.str=> An example for using str
built_in.sum=>_1 An example for using sum
built_in.sum=>_2 An example for using sum
built_in.tuple=> An example for using tuple
built_in.type=> An example for using type
built_in.vars=> An example for using vars>_1 An example for using zip>_2 An example for using zip
string methods code snippets Description
.capitalize Converts the first character to upper case
.casefold Converts string into lower case
.center Returns a centered string
.count Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a string
.encode Returns an encoded version of the string
.endswith Returns true if the string ends with the specified value
.expandtabs Sets the tab size of the string
.find Searches the string for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found
.format Formats specified values in a string
.format_map Formats specified values in a string
.index Searches the string for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found
.isalnum Returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric
.isalpha Returns True if all characters in the string are in the alphabet
.isdecimal Returns True if all characters in the string are decimals
.isdigit Returns True if all characters in the string are digits
.isidentifier Returns True if the string is an identifier
.islower Returns True if all characters in the string are lower case
.isnumeric Returns True if all characters in the string are numeric
.isprintable Returns True if all characters in the string are printable
.isspace Returns True if all characters in the string are whitespaces
.istitle Returns True if the string follows the rules of a title
.isupper Returns True if all characters in the string are upper case
.join Joins the elements of an iterable to the end of the string
.ljust Returns a left justified version of the string
.lower Converts a string into lower case
.lstrip Returns a left trim version of the string
.maketrans Returns a translation table to be used in translations
.partition Returns a tuple where the string is parted into three parts
.replace Returns a string where a specified value is replaced with a specified value
.rfind Searches the string for a specified value and returns the last position of where it was found
.rindex Searches the string for a specified value and returns the last position of where it was found
.rpartition Returns a tuple where the string is parted into three parts
.rsplit Returns a right trim version of the string
.split Splits the string at the specified separator, and returns a list
.splitlines Splits the string at line breaks and returns a list
.startswith Returns true if the string starts with the specified value
.swapcase Swaps cases, lower case becomes upper case and vice versa
.title Converts the first character of each word to upper case
.translate Returns a translated string
.upper Converts a string into upper case
.zfill Fills the string with a specified number of 0 values at the beginning
string methods code examples Description
string.capitalize=>_1 An example for using capitalize
string.capitalize=>_2 An example for using capitalize
string.casefold=> An example for using casefold>_1 An example for using center>_2 An example for using center
string.count=>_1 An example for using count
string.count=>_2 An example for using count
string.encode=> An example for using encode
string.endswith=>_1 An example for using endswith
string.endswith=>_2 An example for using endswith
string.expandtabs=>_1 An example for using expandtabs
string.expandtabs=>_2 An example for using expandtabs
string.find=>_1 An example for using find
string.find=>_2 An example for using find
string.find=>_3 An example for using find
string.find=>_4 An example for using find
string.format=> An example for using format
string.format_map=> An example for using format_map
string.index=>_1 An example for using index
string.index=>_2 An example for using index
string.index=>_3 An example for using index
string.index=>_4 An example for using index
string.isalnum=> An example for using isalnum
string.isalpha=> An example for using isalpha
string.isdecimal=> An example for using isdecimal
string.isdigit=> An example for using isdigit
string.isidentifier=> An example for using isidentifier
string.islower=> An example for using islower
string.isnumeric=> An example for using isnumeric
string.isprintable=> An example for using isprintable
string.isspace=> An example for using isspace
string.istitle=> An example for using istitle
string.isupper=> An example for using isupper
string.join=> An example for using join
string.ljust=> An example for using ljust
string.lower=> An example for using lower
string.lstrip=> An example for using lstrip
string.maketrans=> An example for using maketrans
string.partition=> An example for using partition
string.replace=> An example for using replace
string.rfind=> An example for using rfind
string.rindex=> An example for using rindex
string.rpartition=> An example for using rpartition
string.rsplit=> An example for using rsplit
string.split=> An example for using split
string.splitlines=> An example for using splitlines
string.startswith=> An example for using startswith
string.swapcase=> An example for using swapcase
string.title=> An example for using title
string.translate=> An example for using translate
string.upper=> An example for using upper
string.zfill=> An example for using zfill
list methods code snippets Description
.append Adds an element at the end of the list
.clear Removes all the elements from the list
.copy Returns a copy of the list
.count Returns the number of elements with the specified value
.extend Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list
.index Returns the index of the first element with the specified value
.insert Adds an element at the specified position
.pop Removes the element at the specified position
.remove Removes the first item with the specified value
.reverse Reverses the order of the list
.sort Sorts the list
list methods code examples Description
list.append=> An example for using append
list.clear=> An example for using clear
list.copy=> An example for using copy
list.count=> An example for using count
list.extend=> An example for using extend
list.index=> An example for using index
list.insert=> An example for using insert
list.pop=> An example for using pop
list.remove=> An example for using remove
list.reverse=> An example for using reverse
list.sort=> An example for using sort
list.comp=>_1 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_2 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_3 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_4 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_5 An example for using list comprehension
sets methods code snippets Description
.add Adds an element to the set
.clear Removes all the elements from the set
.copy Returns a copy of the set
.difference Returns a set containing the difference between two or more sets
.difference_update Removes the items in this set that are also included in another, specified set
.discard Remove the specified item
.intersection Returns a set, that is the intersection of two other sets
.intersection_update Removes the items in this set that are not present in other, specified set(s)
.isdisjoint Returns whether two sets have a intersection or not
.issubset Returns whether another set contains this set or not
.issuperset Returns whether this set contains another set or not
.pop Removes the specified element
.remove Removes the specified element
.symmetric_difference Returns a set with the symmetric differences of two sets
.symmetric_difference_update inserts the symmetric differences from this set and another
.union Return a set containing the union of sets
.update Update the set with the union of this set and others
sets methods code examples Description
sets.add=> An example for using add
sets.clear=> An example for using clear
sets.copy=> An example for using copy
sets.difference=>_1 An example for using difference
sets.difference=>_2 An example for using difference
sets.difference_update=> An example for using difference_update
sets.discard=> An example for using discard
sets.intersection=>_1 An example for using intersection
sets.intersection=>_2 An example for using intersection
sets.intersection_update=>_1 An example for using intersection_update
sets.intersection_update=>_2 An example for using intersection_update
sets.isdisjoint=>_1 An example for using isdisjoint
sets.isdisjoint=>_2 An example for using isdisjoint
sets.sets.issubset=>_1 An example for using issubset
sets.issubset=>_2 An example for using issubset
sets.issuperset=>_1 An example for using issuperset
sets.issuperset=>_2 An example for using issuperset
sets.pop=> An example for using pop
sets.remove=> An example for using remove
sets.symmetric_difference=> An example for using symmetric_difference
sets.symmetric_difference_update=> An example for using symmetric_difference_update
sets.union=>_1 An example for using union
sets.union=>_2 An example for using union
sets.update=> An example for using update
dictionary methods code snippets Description
.clear Removes all the elements from the dictionary
.copy Returns a copy of the dictionary
.fromkeys Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and values
.get Returns the value of the specified key
.items Returns a list containing the a tuple for each key value pair
.keys Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys
.pop Removes the element with the specified key
.popitem Removes the last inserted key-value pai
.setdefault Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value
.update Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs
.values Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary
dictionary methods code examples Description
dictionary.clear=> An example for using clear
dictionary.copy=> An example for using copy
dictionary.fromkeys=> An example for using fromkeys
dictionary.get=> An example for using get
dictionary.items=> An example for using items
dictionary.keys=> An example for using keys
dictionary.pop=> An example for using pop
dictionary.popitem=> An example for using popitem
dictionary.setdefault=> An example for using setdefault
dictionary.update=> An example for using update
dictionary.values=> An example for using values
tuple methods code snippets Description
.count Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a tuple
.index Searches the tuple for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found
tuple methods code examples Description
tuple.count=> An example for using count
tuple.index=> An example for using index
for loop code examples
for=> An example for using for
for=>through_a_string An example for using for
for=>break_statement An example for using for
for=>continue_statement An example for using for
for=>range_function_1 An example for using for
for=>range_function_2 An example for using for
for=>range_function_3 An example for using for
for=>for_else An example for using for
for=>for_else An example for using for
while loop code snippets Description
while while Statements
while_els while Statements
while loop code examples Description
while=> while Statements
while=>break_statement while Statements
while=>continue_statement while Statements
if/else statement code snippets Description
if if Statements
ifelif if/else if Statements
ifelifelse if/else if/else Statements
ifelse if/else Statements
ifshort ifshort Statements
else else Statements
class code snippets Description
class=> python class
init=> class init method
iter=> class iter method
next=> class next method
class code examples Description
class=>_1 oop inheritance example
class=>inheritance_1 oop inheritance example
class=>inheritance_2 oop inheritance example
class=>with_attribute_1 class with attribute example
class=>with_attribute_2 class with attribute example
class=>with_attribute_3 class with attribute example
class=>with_method_1 class with method example
class=>with_method_2 class with method example
class=>encapsulation class encapsulation example
class=>polymorphism class polymorphism example
import code snippets Description
import=> import module
List Comprehensions code snippets Description
comp=> List Comprehensions
List Comprehensions code examples Description
list.comp=>_1 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_2 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_3 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_4 An example for using list comprehension
list.comp=>_5 An example for using list comprehension
lambda code examples Description
lambda A lambda function can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.
function code snippets Description
def=> Defining Function
def=>with_default_value Defining Function wqith default values
function=> Defining Function
file code examples Description
file=>openFile open a file
file=>openFileReadLine Read one line of the file
file=>writeExistFile Write to an Existing File
file=>writeOwerWrite Open a file and overwrite the content
file=>createFileIfDoesNotExist Create a new file if it does not exist
file=>createFile Create a new file
file=>deleteFile delete a file


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