Provides a content type and other things to use in building the CK section of
- Pull in recent changes to the theme
- Update menu_block to 7.x-2.x-dev and apply this patch and this patch
- Update special_menu_items to 7.x-2.x-dev and apply this patch
- Clear cache and run db updates (
drush cc all; drush updb
) - Enable this module (
drush en commo_ck
provides one drupal alter function commo_ck_menu_block_tree_alter
and one helper function _find_key_match
to alter the menu block that appears above construction kit content. It will only display menu items from the active tree. The Construction Kit menu lineage is determined through a somewhat messy string pattern match - if menu names ever change, these match patterns will need to change. This system could be improved by using uuids or other techniques.
Benjamin Chodoroff, Work Dept
Copyright 2013, Benjamin Chodoroff. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.