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dotfiles-on-steroids [NixOS Config]

built with nix NixOS Systems Build

Workflow's current, and immutably evolving, NixOS configuration files, home-manager, neovim, etc.

neofetch boar



Used as daily driver since 2020. 😎


Checkout the home directory for an up-to-date list of installed goodies. Here's a few shoutouts:

Type Program
AI IDE Avante
Backups Restic
Display Manager Ly
Editor NeoVim
File Manager Lf
File Syncing Syncthing
Launcher Rofi
Nix Builds Nh
Notifications Dunst
Prompt Starship
Power Management Auto-Cpufreq
Shell Fish
Shell when data Nushell
Status Bar i3status-rust
Style Manager stylix
Terminal Alacritty
Animal Raccoon
Window Manager i3

Lack of Aesthetics

Type Name
Monospace Font FiraCode
Emoji Font Noto Color Emoji
Dark Theme Gruvbox
Light Theme Catppuccin Latte

Switching between Light and Dark theme is currently done via NixOS Specialisation.

I Wanna Install

You likely don't want to, as this config is heavily customized to my needs.

But here's a rough guide:

Setup Instructions





neofetch nixbox boar-2022