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Reneweable Energy Zone Calculations. Backend to

Deployed at

Documentation at

Primary functions

This API exposes four primary functions:

  1. A tile server to display areas which satisfy a set of geospatial filters (e.g. areas within 5000 meters of a road and 10000 meters away from transmission lines)
  2. The ability to calculate "zone statistics" for a given area of interest, including Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and "zone score" based on user provided weights
  3. A tile server to display LCOE calculations at a pixel level
  4. A tile server to display contextual data (stored as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs)

It also provides a variety of other metadata endpoints to define the schema and layers needed for these functions.

Filter Tile Server

demonstration of the tile server of Africa

The tile server is available as an XYZ endpoint at: /v1/filter/{z}/{x}/{y}.png. It further accepts two path parameters:

filter=0,1000|500,1000|...: a pipe separated list of distance ranges in meters (e.g. 0,5000) from a given feature. The list of features which have distance layers is available at /v1/filter/layers

color=45,39,88,178: a comma separated list of RGBA values to display the filtered areas as. All values, including opacity, are 0-255.

A UI demonstration of this functionality is available at /v1/demo. All data is made available at 500m resolution.

Zone Statistics

This function is relatively complicated but has sensible defaults. A rough summary of the process:

  1. User submits an area of interest (AOI) as a GeoJSON Polygon and a set of filters matching the above format, along with optional parameters to override defaults.
  2. The API calculates LCOE for each pixel in the AOI and matching the spatial filters
  3. The API calculates a zone score by combining user provided weights, the LCOE components, and other underlying data like population density and slope
  4. The API returns these values in aggreate and a mean value per pixel

/v1/zone: accepts a POST request with the following form:

    "aoi": {},
    "weights": {},
    "lcoe": {} 

and returns:

    "lcoe": 5,
    "lcoe_density": 1,
    "zone_score": 0.7

Each parameter is described in more detail at


This API is developed with FastAPI

Run locally

Install dependencies

pip install -e '.[dev]'


uvicorn rezoning_api.main:app --reload

The latter command requires three environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AIRTABLE_KEY to be set in order to access the spatial data stored on AWS S3 and additional defaults stored on Airtable.


The application is built to deploy on AWS via AWS CDK. The resulting stack consists of an API Gateway and a Lambda function. It can be deployed from the commandline with

cdk deploy

but is generally done via a CI/CD pipeline running with Github Actions.

Additional Notes

  • The ECR Repository and docker image for exporting files are not deployed automatically. The Dockerfile is available at export/Dockerfile and can be deployed like:
docker build . -t export-queue-processing -f export/Dockerfile
docker tag export-queue-processing
`aws ecr get-login --region=us-east-2 --no-include-email`
docker push
  • There is an additional vector tile server for certain infrastructure layers hosted by Development Seed. It is available at
  • The production API endpoint is behind a manually configured CloudFront Origin for performance enhancement.


The reztileserver hosts certain vector tiles using This is currently hosted in the AWS infra on Fargate, using EFS for the data files. There is a cloudfront distribution pointing to it: for ssl termination and caching.

Data Preperation


The data was prepared using tippecanoe :

    tippecanoe -f -z 15 -Z 3 -l airports -P -o airports.mbtiles airports.ndjson
    tippecanoe -f -z 15 -Z 3 -l anchorages -P -o anchorages.mbtiles anchorages.ndjson
    tippecanoe -f -z 15 -Z 3 -l ports -P -o ports.mbtiles ports.ndjson
    tippecanoe -f -z 15 -Z 3 -l roads -P -o roads.mbtiles --drop-densest-as-needed roads.ndjson
    tippecanoe -z 15 -Z 3 -l grid -P -o grid.mbtiles -f --drop-densest-as-needed grid_files/grid.ndgeojson