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TRPC Extractor

Extract routes of a TRPC router in a JSON format.


You don't need to install this package, just run the following command:

On npm:

(npx | pnpx | bunx) trpc-extractor -i <path-to-router>

Help command:

  -V, --version        output the version number
  -o, --output <path>  output of the TRPC routes json. If empty will print to stdout
  -i, --input <path>   input of the file containing the TRPC router
  -r, --router [name]  name of the exported router variable. Leave empty for default export (default: "default")
  -w, --watch [directory]  watch for changes on a directory and updates the output. Leave empty to watch the input file
  -h, --help           display help for command


This is the export format:

// RouteInfo defines the structure of each route's data.
interface RouteInfo {
  path: string;
  routeType: "query" | "mutation";
  // json schema or null
  input: any;
  // json schema or null
  output: any;

// ExtractedRouter contains the route map for easy lookup.
type ExtractedRouter = {
  routes: Record<string, RouteInfo>;
  transformer?: { input: any; output: any };
  "routes": {
    "some.route": {
      "path": "some.route",
      "routeType": "query or mutation",
      "input": "json schema or null",
      "output": "json schema or null"
  "transformer": {
    "input": { "json": "{{SLOT}}" },
    "output": { "json": "{{SLOT}}" }