Export zod types from a zod schema, and convert them to json schemas from the CLI. From there, you can use other projects, like quicktype, to convert to other languages.
You don't need to install this package, just run the following command:
On npm:
(npx | pnpx | bunx) zod-exporter -i <path-to-schema>
Help command:
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <path> input of the file containing the TRPC router
-o, --output <path> output of the TRPC routes json. If empty will print to stdout (useful to pipe to other commands)
-s, --schema [name] name of the exported schema variable. Leave empty for default export (default: "default")
-w, --watch [directory] watch for changes on a directory and updates the output. Leave empty to watch the input file
-x, --exec <command> command to execute after each successful output
-h, --help display help for command
bunx zod-exporter -i ./test/schema.ts -w -x "bunx quicktype --src-lang schema --out test.py"