Huawei Cloud OBS storage for Laravel based on wangqs/laravel-filesystem-obs.
Install the current version of the goodgay/huaweiobs
package via composer:
composer require wangqs/laravel-filesystem-obs
The package's service provider will automatically register its service provider.
Publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wangqs\HuaweiOBS\HWOBSServiceProvider"
After you publish the configuration file as suggested above, you may configure OBS
by adding the following to your application's .env
file (with appropriate values):
If you work with Lumen, please register the service provider and configuration in bootstrap/app.php
Manually copy the configuration file to your application.
The HWobs
facade is just an entry point into the php-obs sdk,
so previously you might have used:
use Wangqs\ObsV3\ObsClient;
$obsClient = ObsClient::factory ( [
'key' => $ak,
'secret' => $sk,
'endpoint' => $endpoint,
'socket_timeout' => 30,
'connect_timeout' => 10
] );
$resp = $obsClient -> listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucketName]);
foreach ( $resp ['Contents'] as $content ) {
printf("\t%s etag[%s]\n", $content ['Key'], $content ['ETag']);
You can now replace those last two lines with simply:
use Wangqs\HuaweiOBS\HWobs;
$return = HWobs::all();
$return = HWobs::obs()->listObjects(['Bucket' => $bucketName]);
Lumen users who wish to use Facades can do so by editing the
file to include the following:
Wangqs\HuaweiOBS\HWobs::class => 'Hwobs'
// 文件系统的配置文件位于 config/filesystems.php
'hwobs' => [
'driver' => 'hwobs',
'key' => env('HWOBS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',''),
'secret' => env('HWOBS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',''),
'region' => env('HWOBS_DEFAULT_REGION',''),
'bucket' => env('HWOBS_BUCKET',''),
'url' => env('HWOBS_URL',''),
'endpoint' => env('HWOBS_ENDPOINT',''),
'exceptionResponseMode' => false,
Storage::disk('hwobs')->put('file.txt', 'Contents');
Because the package is a wrapper around the official php-obs sdk, you can do pretty much anything with this package.
To upload:
$resp = HWobs::putText("object-name","some content");
$resp = HWobs::putFile("object-name","./some.txt");
To download:
$resp = HWobs::getText("object-name");
$resp = HWobs::getStream("object-name");
$resp = HWobs::getFile("object-name",'save_path.txt');
To manage objects:
$resp = HWobs::getMetadata("object-name");
$resp = HWobs::delete("object-name");
$resp = HWobs::all();
$resp = HWobs::deleteMulti(['object-name1','object-name2']);