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Indicators Workflow
Ted Wong edited this page Mar 31, 2023
5 revisions
The baseline indicators consists of a list of metrics computed for all UrbanShift cities in order to provide insights about selected themes:
- Land restoration
- GHG emissions
- Biodiversity
- Extract city wide layers from global datasets and store them with respect to a defined schemas. Store the outputs as geotiff or geojson files depending on the data type
- For land cover/land use data, calculate intermediate tables regrouping the areas and percent of each land class compared to the whole city/region area and store them as csv files
- For final indicators, calculating the values at different geographical levels and store them in the final aggregated table with respect to a common defined schemas.

Field | Description | Type |
geo_level | The aggregation level of the indicator (municipality , metropolitan region ...) |
string |
geo_id | The unique identifier of the area of analysis. This identifier is used for joining with the shapefiles (CRI-San_jose ...) |
string |
geo_name | The name of the area of analysis (San_jose ...) |
string |
land_class | The land class as extracted from ESA land cover data (Trees ,Shrubland , Grassland ...) |
string |
area | The area of land corresponding to the land class (unit: m²) | float |
percent | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | float |
year | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | date |
source | Land cover data source (esa) | string |
Field | Description | Type |
geo_level | The aggregation level of the indicator (municipality , metropolitan region ...) |
string |
geo_id | The unique identifier of the area of analysis. This identifier is used for joining with the shapefiles (CRI-San_jose ...) |
string |
geo_name | The name of the area of analysis (San_jose ...) |
string |
land_class | The land class as extracted from GLAD land cover data | string |
area | The area of land corresponding to the land class (unit: m²) | float |
percent | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | float |
year | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | date |
source | Land cover data source (glad) | string |
Field | Description | Type |
geo_level | The aggregation level of the indicator (municipality , metropolitan region ...) |
string |
geo_id | The unique identifier of the area of analysis. This identifier is used for joining with the shapefiles (CRI-San_jose ...) |
string |
geo_name | The name of the area of analysis (San_jose ...) |
string |
land_class | The land class as extracted from Intra-Urban land use data | string |
area | The area of land corresponding to the land class (unit: m²) | float |
percent | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | float |
year | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | date |
source | Urban Land Use | string |
Theme | datasource | naming | example |
Boundaries | geoBoundaries | boundary-city_id-year | boundary-CRI-San_jose-2017.geojson |
Land cover | ESA | landcover-esa-city_id-year | landcover-esa-CRI-San_jose-2020.geotiff |
Land cover | GLAD | landcover-glad-city_id-year | landcover-glad-CRI-San_jose-2020.geotiff |
Land use | ULU | landuse-ulu-city_id-year | landuse-ulu-CRI-San_jose-2020.geotiff |
Native species | GBIB | gbif-species_name-city_id-year | gbif-brids-CRI-San_jose-2020.geojson |
Protected areas | WDPA | wdpa-city_id-year | wdpa-CRI-San_jose-2020.geojson |
Key Biodiversity areas | KBA | kba-city_id-year | kba-CRI-San_jose-2020.geojson |
The calculated indicators are stored in a dataframe with respect to the following schemas:
Field | Description | Type |
geo_level | The aggregation level of the indicator (municipality , metropolitan region ...) |
string |
geo_id | The unique identifier of the area of analysis. This identifier is used for joining with the shapefiles (CRI-San_jose ...) |
string |
geo_name | The name of the area of analysis (San_jose ...) |
string |
indicator_name | The name of the calculated indicator (proportion of natural area , Native Biodiversity in built up areas ...) |
string |
indicator_code | The technical corresponding code of the indicator (SICB-1 , SICB-2 ...) |
string |
value | The value of the calculated indicator | float |
year | Percent of land class area compared to the total area (unit: %) | date |
source | The data sources names used for calculating the indicator ([esa, gbif] , [glad] ...) |
list |
unit | The corresponding unit (percent , m² ...) |
string |
Indicator core code | Indicator name | Related indicators | Status | Notebook |
BIO-1 | percent of land classified as natural area | SICB-1 | Draft | link to notebook |
BIO-2 | Habitat connectivity | SICB-2 | Draft | link to notebook |
BIO-3 | Diversity within built-up areas | SICB-3 | draft | link to notebook |
BIO-4, BIO-5, BIO-6 | number of (bird or arthropod or plant) species, with IUCN Red List counts | SICB-4, SICB-5, SICB-6 | Draft | link to BIO-4 notebook, link to BIO-5 notebook, link to BIO-6 notebook |
BIO-7A, BIO-7B | habitat restoration | SICB-7 | Draft | link to notebook |
GRE-4.5 | Trends (significant loss or gain) of vegetation and water cover | SDG 6.6.1 | Draft | link to notebook |
GRE-1.4, BIO-11 | percent of land with tree cover | SDG 15.1.1, SICB-11 | Draft | link to notebook |
GRE-1.1 | Expected extreme heat event hazard (expected days above 35C in 2050) and trend | Draft | link to notebook | |
GRE-1.2 | % built land with high (3C+ above built mean) land surface temperature during hot season | Draft | link to notebook | |
GRE-1.3 | % built land with low (below 0.2 albedo) surface reflectivity | Draft | link to notebook | |
GRE-3.1 | % built-up area that is open space for public use | SDG 11.7.1 | Draft | link to notebook |
GRE-3.2 | % population with access to public open space within walking distance (400m) | Draft | link to notebook | |
GRE-3.3 | % population with threshold level (10%+) of tree cover within walking distance (400m) | Draft | link to notebook | |
LND-1 | % impervious area | SICB-10 | Draft | link to notebook |
LND-6 | % percent protected | SICB-8 | Draft | link to notebook |
LND-7 | % of Key Biodiversity Areas under formal protection | Draft | link to notebook | |
LND-8 | % of Key Biodiversity Area that is built up | Draft | link to notebook |
Goal | input | output | notebook |
Extract administrative boundaries | geoBoundaries database |
Cities boundaries (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/boundaries/v_0/), Boundary georef (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/boundaries/v_0/boundary_georef.csv)
Extract city-wide ESA land cover rasters |
Cities boundaries , ESA World cover
ESA World cover - city (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/land_use/esa_world_cover/v_0/)
notebook |
Catalog city-wide ESA land cover rasters |
Boundary georef , ESA World cover - city
ESA World cover - city - metadata (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/land_use/esa_world_cover/v_0/metadata.json)
notebook |
Compute land cover zonal stats - ESA World cover |
Cities boundaries , ESA World cover - city
Land cover cities stats (s3://cities-urbanshift/indicators/cities_lulc_stats.csv)
notebook |
Compute SICB-1: Percent of natural areas |
Boundary georef , Cities boundaries , ESA World cover - city
cities indicators (s3://cities-urbanshift/indicators/cities_indicators.csv)
notebook |
Extract city-wide TML tree cover rasters |
Cities boundaries , TML tree cover
TML tree cover - city (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/tree_cover/tree_mosaic_land/v_0/)
notebook |
Catalog city-wide TML tree cover rasters |
Boundary georef , TML tree cover - city
ESA World cover - city - metadata (s3://cities-urbanshift/data/tree_cover/tree_mosaic_land/v_0/metadata.json)
notebook |
Extract city-wide GLAD land cover rasters |
Boundaries (ADM-1) , Boundaries (ADM-2) , GLAD land cover
GLAD city-wide land cover rasters (cities-urbanshift/data/land_use/GLAD-ARD/city_id-GLAD-2020.tif) | link to script |
Compute SICB-7A & SICB-7B: Land restoration |
Boundaries (ADM-1) , Boundaries (ADM-2) , GLAD city-wide land cover rasters
Cities indicator table ADM-1 (cities-urbanshift/indicators/cities_indicators_adm1.csv') | link to script |
Dashboard : https://wri-cities.shinyapps.io/UrbanShift-dashboard/
city | Biodiversity Report |
ARG-Buenos_Aires | ARG-Buenos_Aires biodiversity report |
ARG-Mendoza | ARG-Mendoza biodiversity report |
ARG-Salta | ARG-Salta biodiversity report |
ARG-Ushuaia | ARG-Ushuaia biodiversity report |
BRA-Belem | BRA-Belem biodiversity report |
BRA-Florianopolis | BRA-Florianopolis biodiversity report |
BRA-Teresina | BRA-Teresina biodiversity report |
CHN-Ningbo | CHN-Ningbo biodiversity report |
CHN-Chongqing | |
CHN-Chengdu | |
CRI-San_Jose | CRI-San_Jose biodiversity report |
IDN-Balikpapan | IDN-Balikpapan biodiversity report |
IDN-Bitung | IDN-Bitung biodiversity report |
IDN-Jakarta | IDN-Jakarta biodiversity report |
IDN-Palembang | IDN-Palembang biodiversity report |
IDN-Semarang | IDN-Semarang biodiversity report |
IND-Chennai | IND-Chennai biodiversity report |
IND-Pune | IND-Pune biodiversity report |
IND-Surat | IND-Surat biodiversity report |
MAR-Marrakech | MAR-Marrakech biodiversity report |
RWA-Kigali | |
SLE-Freetown city | SLE-Freetown biodiversity report |