A utility for converting a quantity between different units. Written in pure Lua. Licensed under MIT.
Based on convert-units by Ben Ng.
units.convert(amount, from, to)
needs to be a numerical value, as the function is going to return the equivalent amount of "from" units in "to" units.
needs to be the unit you want to convert the amount from.
needs to be the unit you want to convert the amount into.
local units = require('units')
local output = units.convert(1000, 'w', 'kw')
The above script would print 1.0
This library can convert between the following units:
Length: mm, cm, m, in, ft-us, ft, mi
Area: mm2, cm2, m2, ha, km2, in2, ft2, ac, mi2
Mass: mcg, mg, g, kg, oz, lb
Volume: mm3, cm3, ml, l, kl, m3, km3, tsp, tbsp, in3, fl-oz, cup, pnt, qt, gal, ft3, yd3
Volume Flow Rate: mm3/s, cm3/s, ml/s, cl/s, dl/s, l/s, l/min, l/h, kl/s, kl/min, kl/h, m3/s, m3/min, m3/h, km3/s, tsp/s, Tbs/s, in3/s, in3/min, in3/h, fl-oz/s, fl-oz/min, fl-oz/h, cup/s, pnt/s, pnt/min, pnt/h, qt/s, gal/s, gal/min, gal/h, ft3/s, ft3/min, ft3/h, yd3/s, yd3/min, yd3/h
Temperature: C, F, K, R
Time: ns, mu, ms, s, min, h, d, week, month, year
Speed: m/s, km/h, m/h, knot, ft/s
Pressure: Pa, hPa, kPa, MPa, bar, torr, psi, ksi
Digital: b, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb, B, KB, MB, GB, TB
Parts-Per: ppm, ppb, ppt, ppq
Voltage: V, mV, kV
Current: A, mA, kA
Power: W, mW, kW, MW, GW
Apparent Power: VA, mVA, kVA, MVA, GVA
Reactive Power: VAR, mVAR, kVAR, MVAR, GVAR
Energy: Wh, mWh, kWh, MWh, GWh, J, kJ
Reactive Energy: VARh, mVARh, kVARh, MVARh, GVARh
Note: both "from" and "to" units must be of the same type, i.e. you can't convert "w" to "mm", since power units cannot be converted into length units!