AR Report Generator is an R script used to render a report from the output of pipelines that identify antimicrobial resistance (AR) genes and/or examine prokaryote relatedness in outbreaks (e.g. Spriggan and Dryad).
Output format
Report logo
Output files
Running the report generator using 'Rscript render_report.R' provides a menu of options:
usage: render_report.R [--] [--help] [--opts OPTS] [--date DATE]
[--snpmatrix SNPMATRIX] [--tree TREE] [--cgstats CGSTATS]
[--artable ARTABLE] [--additionaldatatables
ADDITIONALDATATABLES] projectname username sampletable config
Automated AR Report Builder
positional arguments:
projectname set name of project
username name of report preparer
sampletable csv/tsv of sample information
config report configuration file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
optional arguments:
-d, --date set date of report, default: current date
-s, --snpmatrix csv/tsv of snp data
-t, --tree tree data
-c, --cgstats roary cg stats 'core_genome_statistics.txt'
-a, --artable ar data
--additionaldatatables additional tables in tsv/csv format
The required inputs for rendering the report are a project name (the title of the report), a username (who generated the report), a sample table (table with metadata for the samples analyzed) and a yaml configuration file. For example:
Rscript render_report.R 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
Adding the -s option with a SNP matrix in tsv/csv format will plot the SNP matrix as a heatmap in the report:
Rscript render_report.R -s test_data/snp_distance_matrix.tsv 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
Adding the -t option with a phylogenetic tree in newick format will plot a tree in the report:
Rscript render_report.R -t test_data/core_genome.tree 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
Adding the -c option with core genome statistics from the output of Roary will add a table of those statistics to the tree section of the report:
Rscript render_report.R -t test_data/core_genome.tree -c test_data/core_genome_statistics.txt 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
Adding the -a option with a table of AR genes in csv/tsv format will add a table of those genes to the report:
Rscript render_report.R -a test_data/ar_predictions.tsv 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
Multiple additional tables can be added using the --additionaldatatables option, but they must be listed as so:
Rscript render_report.R --additionaldatatables 'test_data/mlst_formatted.tsv test_data/S01.mash.tsv' 'Project Name' 'Report Preparer' test_data/samples.csv ar_report_config.yaml
There are also parameters in the yaml configuration file that change plotting options. These include:
- heat.dist.method, which determines how distances between samples in the SNP matrix are calculated (default: 'euclidean')
- show.snp, which plots the SNP numbers on the heatmap (default: TRUE)
- root.method, which selects how the phylogenetic tree is rooted (default: 'midpoint')
- show.bootstrap, which plots bootstrap values on the phylogenetic tree (default: FALSE)
- bootstrap.threshold, which selects what bootstrap values with be plotted (default: 80)
A Docker image of the generator's dependencies can be built using the Dockerfile included in this repository, or pulled from The R Markdown scripts used to generate the report have many dependencies, so we highly recommend rendering the report using Docker.
If you choose to render the report without Docker, you will need to install the following R packages:
- rmarkdown
- argparser
- yaml
- knitr
- tidyverse
- ggplot2
- plotly
- heatmaply
- reticulate
- kableExtra
- pander
- flextable
- huxtable
- officer
- officedown
- phytools
- mnormt
- BiocManager
- ggtree
As well as the following Python packages:
When rendering the report in docx format, the report's figures are exported using the python packages Plotly and Kaleido, as well as the R package reticulate. If you are rendering the report in docx format without the generator's Docker container, you must provide reticulate the path to your installation of Python using the py.path parameter in the yaml configuration file.
If you are not using the report generator's Docker container, we recommend installing Miniconda, Plotly and Kaleido using R and the following commands:
install.packages(c('reticulate'), repos='')
reticulate::conda_install('r-reticulate', 'python-kaleido')
reticulate::conda_install('r-reticulate', 'plotly', channel='plotly')
Or installing Python3.8 from source, Pip3.8, Plotly and Kaleido using the following commands:
tar -xvf Python-3.8.0.tgz
cd Python-3.8.0
./configure --enable-shared LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib" --enable-optimizations
make altinstall
curl -o
pip3.8 install -U plotly==5.3.1 kaleido==0.2.1
Note: If you install Plotly and Kaleido using Miniconda, set the py.path parameter to '/miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python'
The report can be rendered in two different formats: html and docx. The default output format is html, but this can be changed to docx or both using the outformat parameter in the yaml configuration file. Example reports in each format (generated using the data found in the test_data folder) can be found in the examples folder.
The report generator can be tested by running the script:
A custom logo can be added to the report using the logo parameter in the yaml configuration file. Note: A custom logo can only be added to the report when rendering in html format, but a custom logo can be added to a report rendered in docx format using a word processor.
├── *.ar-report.html
├── *.ar-report.docx
├── snp-plot.png
└── tree-plot.png
*.ar-report.html - Report in html format (only when html option is used)
*.ar-report.docx - Report in docx format (only when docx option is used)
snp-plot.png - SNP heatmap in png format (only when docx and SNP options are used)
tree-plot.png - Phylogenetic tree in png format (only when docx and tree options are used)
Kelsey Florek, WSLH Senior Genomics and Data Scientist
Abigail Shockey, WSLH Bioinformatics Scientist