Project website along with more specifications can be fround from:
Project chat on Discord:
Project board on Waffle:
We're looking for people interested in contributing to the project.
Currently the technologies we use include:
- C#
- Lua
- Electron
- Node.js
- Angular
For more detailed project specifications head over to
If you're interested in contributing, come find us from Discord and let us know
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is fine)
- Install DotNet 4.6.1 Framework
- Install NuGet package installer (
- Install Editor Guidelines (
- Download the 4.20 version of League client (!hpkiQK5A!pFkZJtxCMQktJf4umplAdPC_Fukt0xgMfO7g3bGp1Io)
- Clone the git repository
- Copy
- Modify the just copied settings files as required
- Build and run
Currently there are two options for launching the client.
start "" "Path/To/Your/League420/RADS/solutions/lol_game_client_sln/releases/ of Legends.exe" "8394" "LoLLauncher.exe" "" " 5119 17BLOhi6KZsTtldTsizvHg== 1"
Using a launcher created by TheWebs
- Clone the launcher's repository from
- Build it
- Copy the built launcher and it's dependencies to the game server's build folder
- Run it
- Line length should be 120 characters maximum whenever possible (use Editor Guidelines plugin for a ruler)
- Pull requests must be approved before they can be merged
- Pull requests should not be merged before the build has passed
- If the build fails, ping the pull request creator and tell him to fix it
- Files and folders in
- JSON dictionary keys in
- Keep the code as simple and clear to read as possible
- Each separate feature should be developed in their own branch
- Commits should be in logical small pieces
- Pull requests should be kept as small as possible, generally one feature per pull requests
- Instead of submitting one huge pull request with 3 features, submit each feature individually
- Function names in
- Constants in
- Private variables in
- Public properties as getters / setters in
- All public variable access should happen through getters / setters
- Regions shouldn't be used, instead split code into classes/files when needed
- Dictionaries preferred over switches and long if/else statements
- Boolean variable names should be prefixed with a question (is/can/should)
- Conditional operator should be avoided.
condition ? option1 : option2
- This is fine to use in some niche cases where you can't avoid using it
- Interpolated strings with embedded logic should not be used
- Pull latest version of master
git fetch -p
git pull origin master
- Checkout to a new branch
git checkout -b <branch_name>
- Make changes, do commits
git status
- List of changed filesgit add <filename>
- Stage file for commitgit add -u
- Stage all updated files for commitgit add -A
- Stage all unstaged files for commitgit commit -m "<commit message>"
- Create commit
- Push to github
git push origin <branch_name>
- Create pull request
- Checkout back to master
git checkout master
- Repeat