This is an autonomous drone development project started on 14/2/23.
The goal is to develop drones to be used to map/path planned for construction/agricultural/military and life-saving purposes. working on a new startup aerial-monkeys//.
step 1: learn drone-development and list out sources that are valuable in this industry..
okay, if found a few books that i will start to implement and learn from and teach in this specific open git hub repo:
books that are going to be used:
Ros robotic projects by lentil joseph:
Building Smart Drones with ESP8266 and Arduino: Build exciting drones by leveraging the capabilities of Arduino and ESP8266 by syed omar faruk
algorithms for robots motion and planning by jean-paul launmond for path planning.
probability robotics by sebastian thrun which is a great book to start learning robotics.
all of which you can find in this repository,.
okay, after a lot of digginig in, time to get started with PX4 Development as this will form the basis of every autonomy project that will be developed in future or now,