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topr is a collection of plotting functions for visualizing and exploring genetic association results. Association results from multiple phenotypes can be viewed simultaneously, over the entire genome (Manhattan plot) or in the more detailed regional view.


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In this example we demonstrate the basic usage of the topr library.

Load packages

First load the topr package, the tidyverse package is recommended in general, but not required for this example

#> Attaching package: 'topr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     qqplot
#> ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
#> ✔ ggplot2 3.3.3     ✔ purrr   0.3.4
#> ✔ tibble  3.1.2     ✔ dplyr   1.0.6
#> ✔ tidyr   1.1.3     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
#> ✔ readr   1.4.0     ✔ forcats 0.5.0
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Loading and exploring prebuilt datasets

Load the gwas_CD dataset, which is a subset of association results (SNPs with P<1e-03) for Crohn´s disease from the UK biobank.

It is highly recommended to theck the number of datapoints in your dataset before you plot, since a very large dataset will take a long time to plot.

paste("Number of SNPs in the dataset: [", length(CD_UKBB$POS),"]", sep = "")
#> [1] "Number of SNPs in the dataset: [26821]"

Manhattan plots

Get an overview of association results for crohn’s disease (CD) in a Manhattan plot


QQ plots


Label the top SNPs with the name of their nearest gene

Use the annotate argument in the manhattan function to label the top SNPs with p-values below the annotate threshold with their nearest gene

manhattan(CD_UKBB, annotate = 1e-09)

Highlight genes of interest

manhattan(CD_UKBB, annotate = 1e-09, highlight_genes = c("NOD2","IL23R","JAK2"))

View one chromsome only

Take a closer look at the results by chromosome. Here we plot the results on chromosome 7 only.

manhattan(CD_UKBB, annotate = 1e-09, chr = "7")
#> [1] "7"


Zoom in further on the chromosome plot with the regionplot function.

Zoom in on a gene of interest, e.g IKZF1:

regionplot(CD_UKBB, gene="IKZF1", annotate= 1e-09)
#> [1] "7"
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  chr7:50204067-50505101"

Zoom in on the top hit on a chromosome

CHR <- "chr1"
top_hit <- get_top_hit(CD_UKBB,chr=CHR)
regionplot(CD_UKBB, chr = CHR, xmin=top_hit$POS-250000 ,xmax= top_hit$POS+250000)
#> [1] "1"
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  chr1:66966513-67466513"

Display multiple phenotypes/datasets on the same plot

Display the output from more than one GWAS on the same plot

Manhattan multiple phenotypes

manhattan(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN,UC_UKBB),legend_labels = c("CD UKBB","CD Finngen","UC UKBB"),title="IBD")

regionplot(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN),gene="NOD2", annotate=c(1e-15, 1e-09), legend_labels = c("UKBB", "Finngen"), title="Crohn's disease (CD)")
#> [1] "16"
#> [1] "16"
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  chr16:50593587-50834041"

manhattan(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN,UC_UKBB),legend_labels = c("CD UKBB","CD Finngen","UC UKBB"),title="IBD")

The ntop argument

Use the ntop argument to set the number of datasets displayed at the top (default value is 3)

manhattan(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN,UC_UKBB),ntop=2,legend_labels = c("CD UKBB","CD Finngen","UC UKBB"),title="IBD")

Useful functions

get_top_hit(CD_UKBB, chr="chr16")
dat1 <- get_best_snp_per_MB(CD_UKBB,thresh = 1e-07, region=1000000)
#get overlapping SNPS overlapping in two datasets
overlapping_snps <- dat1 %>% get_overlapping_snps_by_pos(CD_FINNGEN)

overlapping_snps_matched <- overlapping_snps %>% match_alleles()
overl_snps_matched_pos_allele_dat1 <- overlapping_snps_matched %>% flip_to_positive_allele_for_dat1()
snpset1 <- overl_snps_matched_pos_allele_dat1 %>% annotate_with_nearest_gene(protein_coding_only = T)

#or do all this in one go, by calling the create_snpset functon
snpset1 <- create_snpset(CD_FINNGEN, CD_UKBB, thresh = 1e-06)
snpset2 <- create_snpset(CD_UKBB, CD_FINNGEN, thresh= 1e-06)
e1 <- effect_plot(snpset1, pheno_x="CD Finngen", pheno_y="CD UKBB",color=get_topr_colors()[1], gene_label_thresh = 1)
e2 <- effect_plot(snpset2, pheno_x="CD UKBB", pheno_y="CD Finngen", color=get_topr_colors()[2], gene_label_thresh=1,annotate_with = "ID")

Plot apperance: setting text sizes

manhattan(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN), annotate=1e-09,axis_title_size = 20,axis_text_size = 16,label_size = 5, title_text_size = 16, legend_text_size = 20)
#> [1] "Use the legend_labels argument to change the legend labels from color names to meaningful labels! "

regionplot(list(CD_UKBB,CD_FINNGEN), gene="IKZF1", vline=50274703,title="CD UKBB", title_text_size = 16,axis_title_size = 20,axis_text_size = 20,legend_text_size = 20)
#> [1] "7"
#> [1] "7"
#> [1] "Use the legend_labels argument to change the legend labels from color names to meaningful labels! "
#> Warning in min(dat[[i]]$log10p): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(dat[[i]]$log10p): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> [1] "Zoomed to region:  chr7:50204067-50505101"

Setting alpha, size and shape


topr is a collection of plotting functions for visualizing and exploring genetic association results. Association results from multiple phenotypes can be viewed simultaneously, over the entire genome (Manhattan plot) or in the more detailed regional view.







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