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yaml diff Configuration File

William W. Kimball, Jr., MBA, MSIS edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Introduction
  2. Cautions

This document is part of the body of knowledge about yaml-diff, one of the reference command-line tools provided by the YAML Path project.


The yaml-diff command-line tool accepts configuration in the form of command-line arguments and an INI-style configuration file. Users instruct yaml-diff to read from their configuration file via the --config or -c command-line argument.

A configuration file for the yaml-diff command supports these sections:

  1. [defaults] controls overarching (default) modes for the various comparison categories.
  2. [rules] specifies YAML Paths and the comparison mode to be applied to that node and its child nodes (unless overridden by another rule).
  3. [keys] defines identity key fields for Arrays-of-Hashes (AoHs) within the comparison data.

These sections are discussed with examples on the pages for each of the various types of data entities which yaml-diff handles:


There is some potential for issues with this configuration file. These include:

  1. While the 3rd-Party Library used by yaml-diff to read user-specified configuration files can support : as a delimiter between each key and its value, use =, instead. Should any configuration line contain multiple = symbols, it will still be correctly utilized by yaml-diff. The same is not true should any line contain more than one :.
  2. All [rules] and [keys] are applied only to Right-Hand-Side (RHS) documents during the comparison process. Any rules created which would target only elements in the left-most document will have no effect during a comparison.
  3. The order of YAML Paths within the [rules] and [keys] sections from top-down is important. Later defined rules or keys override earlier definitions should any two entries target the same nodes within the comparison documents.
  4. Be particularly mindful of which nodes get targeted by YAML Paths within the [rules] section and which comparison mode gets applied to them. Some data element comparison modes are incompatible with nodes of the wrong data-type and will cause an error when improperly applied. For example, the deep mode for Array-of-Hash nodes is incompatible with Array nodes.
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