How to use it
The project is an unofficial implementation of complex-yolo, and the model structure is slightly inconsistent with what the paper describes. Complex-YOLO: Real-time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds. AI-liu/Complex-YOLO has the most stars, but there seem to be some bugs. The model has no yaw angle prediction, and on the test set, the model has no generalization ability, so this project only refers to the point cloud preprocessing part , model structure reference WojciechMormul/yolo2. On this basis, a complete complex-yolo algorithm is implemented. Because of the high precision of this model, it can be easily converged, and there is no need to adjust too many parameters carefully.
Complex-yolo takes point cloud data as input and encodes point cloud into RGB-map of bird 's-eye view to predict the position and yaw angle of objiects in 3d space. In order to improve the efficiency of training model, the point cloud data set is firstly made into RGB dataset. The experiment is based on the kitti dataset. The kitti dataset has a total of 7481 labeled data. The dataset is divided into two parts, the first 1000 samples are used as test sets, and the remaining samples are used as training sets.
Below are some prediction examples of the Complex-Yolo, the predictions were made on the splited test set. The iou of car and cyclist are set to 0.5, 0.3 respectively.
- Python 3.x
- Numpy
- TensorFlow 1.x
- OpenCV
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/wwooo/tensorflow_complex_yolo
cd tensorflow_complex_yolo
How to prepare data:
1 . Download the data from the official website of kitti.
2 . Create the following folder structure in the current working directory
3 . Unzip the downloaded kitti dataset and get the following data. Place the data in the corresponding folder created above.
data_object_velodyne/training/*.bin *.bin -> velodyne
data_object_label_2/training/label_2/*.txt *.txt -> label_2
data_object_calib/training/calib/*.txt *.txt -> calib
Then create RGB-image data set:
python utils/make_image_dataset.py
This script will convert the point cloud data into image data, which will be automatically saved in the ./kitti/image_dataset/, and will generate test_image_list.txt and train_image_list.txt in the ./config folder.
Note:This model only predicts the area of 60x80 in front of the car, and encodes the point cloud in this area into a 768 x1024 RGB-map. In the kitti data set, not all samples have objects in this area. Therefore, in the process of making image dataset, the script will automatically filter out samples of that doesn't have objects in the area.
How to train a model:
python train.py
All parameters have default values, so you can run the script directly. If you want to load model weights, you must provide the weights_path and set--load_weights=True , default is False. --batch_size, default 8, you can adjust the batch_size according to the memory size of the GPU card. --num_iter, set the number of iterations. --save_interval, how many epochs to save the model, default is 2 . --save_dir, where the model is saved, default is ./weights/ . --gpu_id specify which card to use for training, default is 0.
How to predict:
python predict.py --weights_path =./weights_path/... --draw_gt_box=True
When running predict.py , directly use point cloud data as input to the model, and the script saves predicted result in the predict_result folder. You can set draw_gt_box = True or False to decide whether to draw the ground truth box on predicted result.
How to eval:
python utils/kitti_eval.py
This script will save the prediction results consistent with the kitti label format. Then use kitti's official evaluation script to evaluate. You should study the official evaluation script of kitti.
You can run utils/visualize_augumented_data.py to visualize the transformed data and labels, results saved in ./tmp.